Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

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Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

Ser Kho
The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting. I have tried to investigate this question using an example of Pi calculation (see below). I am wondering whether or not the suggested approach is valid from the Flink's point of view. It works on one computer, however, I do not know how it will behave in a cluster setup. The code is given below, and the main idea behind it as follows:
  1. Create a class, named classPI, which method compute() does all data transformations, see more about it below.
  2. In the main method create a DataSet as in DataSet< classPI > opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
  3. Create DataSet< Double > PI, which equals output of transformation map() that calls the object PI's method compute() as in
    DataSet< Double > PI = MapFunction< classPI , Double>() { public Double map(classPI objPI) { return objPI.compute(); }});
  4. Now about ClassPI
    • Constructor instantiates ExecutionEnvironment, which is local for this class, as in
      public classPI(){ this.NumIter=1000000; env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();}
Thus, the code has two ExecutionEnvironment objects: one in main and another in the class classPI.
  • Has method compute() that runs all data transormations (in this example it is just several lines but potentially it might contain tons of Flink transfromations)
    public Double compute(){ DataSet count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter) .map(new Sampler()) .reduce(new SumReducer()); PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;
    return PI;}
the whole code is given below. Again, the question is if this is a valid approach for encapsulation of data transformation into a class in Flink setup that is supposed to be parallelizable to work on a cluster. Is there a better way to hide details of data transformations?
Thanks a lot!

-------------------------The code ----------------------

public class PiEstimation{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
// this is one ExecutionEnvironment
 final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();   
// this is critical DataSet with my classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<classPI> opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
// this map calls the method compute() of class classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<Double> PI = MapFunction<classPI , Double>() 
   public Double map(classPI  objPI) throws Exception { 
   // this is how I call method compute() that calculates PI using transformations  
   return objPI.compute(); } });    

   double pi = PI.collect().get(0);
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static class Sampler implements MapFunction<Long, Long> {
public Long map(Long value) {
    double x = Math.random();
    double y = Math.random();
    return (x * x + y * y) < 1 ? 1L : 0L;}}

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static final class SumReducer implements ReduceFunction<Long>{
  public Long reduce(Long value1, Long value2) {
  return value1 + value2;}}

// this is my class that computes PI, my question is whether such a class is valid in Flink on  cluster with parallel computation 
public static final class classPI
   public Integer NumIter;
   private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
   public Double PI;

   // this is constructor with another ExecutionEnvironment
   public   classPI(){
            env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   //This is the the method that contains all data transformation
   public Double compute() throws Exception{
         DataSet<Long> count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter)
                               .map(new Sampler())
                               .reduce(new SumReducer());
         PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;                                           
         return  PI;}}}
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Re: Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

Chesnay Schepler
from what i can tell from your code you are trying to execute a job within a job. This just doesn't work.

your main method should look like this:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
  double pi = new classPI().compute();
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

On 06.06.2016 21:14, Ser Kho wrote:
The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting. I have tried to investigate this question using an example of Pi calculation (see below). I am wondering whether or not the suggested approach is valid from the Flink's point of view. It works on one computer, however, I do not know how it will behave in a cluster setup. The code is given below, and the main idea behind it as follows:
  1. Create a class, named classPI, which method compute() does all data transformations, see more about it below.
  2. In the main method create a DataSet as in DataSet< classPI > opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
  3. Create DataSet< Double > PI, which equals output of transformation map() that calls the object PI's method compute() as in
    DataSet< Double > PI = MapFunction< classPI , Double>() { public Double map(classPI objPI) { return objPI.compute(); }});
  4. Now about ClassPI
    • Constructor instantiates ExecutionEnvironment, which is local for this class, as in
      public classPI(){ this.NumIter=1000000; env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();}
Thus, the code has two ExecutionEnvironment objects: one in main and another in the class classPI.
  • Has method compute() that runs all data transormations (in this example it is just several lines but potentially it might contain tons of Flink transfromations)
    public Double compute(){ DataSet count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter) .map(new Sampler()) .reduce(new SumReducer()); PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;
    return PI;}
the whole code is given below. Again, the question is if this is a valid approach for encapsulation of data transformation into a class in Flink setup that is supposed to be parallelizable to work on a cluster. Is there a better way to hide details of data transformations?
Thanks a lot!

-------------------------The code ----------------------

public class PiEstimation{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
// this is one ExecutionEnvironment
 final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();   
// this is critical DataSet with my classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<classPI> opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
// this map calls the method compute() of class classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<Double> PI = MapFunction<classPI , Double>() 
   public Double map(classPI  objPI) throws Exception { 
   // this is how I call method compute() that calculates PI using transformations  
   return objPI.compute(); } });    

   double pi = PI.collect().get(0);
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static class Sampler implements MapFunction<Long, Long> {
public Long map(Long value) {
    double x = Math.random();
    double y = Math.random();
    return (x * x + y * y) < 1 ? 1L : 0L;}}

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static final class SumReducer implements ReduceFunction<Long>{
  public Long reduce(Long value1, Long value2) {
  return value1 + value2;}}

// this is my class that computes PI, my question is whether such a class is valid in Flink on  cluster with parallel computation 
public static final class classPI
   public Integer NumIter;
   private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
   public Double PI;

   // this is constructor with another ExecutionEnvironment
   public   classPI(){
            env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   //This is the the method that contains all data transformation
   public Double compute() throws Exception{
         DataSet<Long> count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter
                               .map(new Sampler())
                               .reduce(new SumReducer());
         PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;                      
         return  PI;}}}

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Re: Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

Ser Kho
1a. The code actually works, that is the point. 
1b. What restrict for a Flink program to have several execution environments?
2. I am not sure that your modification allows for parallelism. Does it?
3. This code is a simple example of writing/organizing large and complicated programs, where the result of this pi needed to be used in another DataSet transformations beyond classPi(). What to do in this case?
Thanks a lot for the suggestions.

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 6:15 AM, Chesnay Schepler <[hidden email]> wrote:

from what i can tell from your code you are trying to execute a job within a job. This just doesn't work.

your main method should look like this:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
  double pi = new classPI().compute();
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

On 06.06.2016 21:14, Ser Kho wrote:
The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting. I have tried to investigate this question using an example of Pi calculation (see below). I am wondering whether or not the suggested approach is valid from the Flink's point of view. It works on one computer, however, I do not know how it will behave in a cluster setup. The code is given below, and the main idea behind it as follows:
  1. Create a class, named classPI, which method compute() does all data transformations, see more about it below.
  2. In the main method create a DataSet as in DataSet< classPI > opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
  3. Create DataSet< Double > PI, which equals output of transformation map() that calls the object PI's method compute() as in
    DataSet< Double > PI = MapFunction< classPI , Double>() { public Double map(classPI objPI) { return objPI.compute(); }});
  4. Now about ClassPI
    • Constructor instantiates ExecutionEnvironment, which is local for this class, as in
      public classPI(){ this.NumIter=1000000; env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();}
Thus, the code has two ExecutionEnvironment objects: one in main and another in the class classPI.
  • Has method compute() that runs all data transormations (in this example it is just several lines but potentially it might contain tons of Flink transfromations)
    public Double compute(){ DataSet count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter) .map(new Sampler()) .reduce(new SumReducer()); PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;
    return PI;}
the whole code is given below. Again, the question is if this is a valid approach for encapsulation of data transformation into a class in Flink setup that is supposed to be parallelizable to work on a cluster. Is there a better way to hide details of data transformations?
Thanks a lot!

-------------------------The code ----------------------

public class PiEstimation{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
// this is one ExecutionEnvironment
 final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();   
// this is critical DataSet with my classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<classPI> opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
// this map calls the method compute() of class classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<Double> PI = MapFunction<classPI , Double>() 
   public Double map(classPI  objPI) throws Exception { 
   // this is how I call method compute() that calculates PI using transformations  
   return objPI.compute(); } });    

   double pi = PI.collect().get(0);
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static class Sampler implements MapFunction<Long, Long> {
public Long map(Long value) {
    double x = Math.random();
    double y = Math.random();
    return (x * x + y * y) < 1 ? 1L : 0L;}}

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static final class SumReducer implements ReduceFunction<Long>{
  public Long reduce(Long value1, Long value2) {
  return value1 + value2;}}

// this is my class that computes PI, my question is whether such a class is valid in Flink on  cluster with parallel computation 
public static final class classPI
   public Integer NumIter;
   private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
   public Double PI;

   // this is constructor with another ExecutionEnvironment
   public   classPI(){
            env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   //This is the the method that contains all data transformation
   public Double compute() throws Exception{
         DataSet<Long> count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter
                               .map(new Sampler())
                               .reduce(new SumReducer());
         PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;                      
         return  PI;}}}

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Re: Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

Chesnay Schepler
1a. ah. yeah i see how it could work, but i wouldn't count on it in a cluster.
you would (most likely) run the the sub-job (calculating pi) only on a single node.

1b. different execution environments generally imply different flink programs.

2. sure it does, since it's a normal flink job. yours on the other hand doesn't, since the job calculating PI only runs on a single TaskManager.

3. there are 2 ways. you can either chain jobs like this: (effectively running 2 flink programs in succession)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
  double pi = new classPI().compute();
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);
  new classThatNeedsPI().computeWhatever(pi); //feeds pi into an env.fromElements call and proceeds from there
or (if all building blocks are flink programs) build a single job:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
	ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
	DataSet<Double> pi = new classPI(env).compute();
  	new classThatNeedsPI(env).computeWhatever(pi); //append your transformations to pi

public DataSet<Double> compute() throws Exception {
	return this.env.generateSequence(1, NumIter)
		.map(new Sampler())
		.reduce(new SumReducer())
		.map(/*return 4 * x*/);}

public ? computeWhatever(DataSet<Long> pi) throws Exception {

On 07.06.2016 13:35, Ser Kho wrote:
1a. The code actually works, that is the point. 
1b. What restrict for a Flink program to have several execution environments?
2. I am not sure that your modification allows for parallelism. Does it?
3. This code is a simple example of writing/organizing large and complicated programs, where the result of this pi needed to be used in another DataSet transformations beyond classPi(). What to do in this case?
Thanks a lot for the suggestions.

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 6:15 AM, Chesnay Schepler [hidden email] wrote:

from what i can tell from your code you are trying to execute a job within a job. This just doesn't work.

your main method should look like this:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
  double pi = new classPI().compute();
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

On 06.06.2016 21:14, Ser Kho wrote:
The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting. I have tried to investigate this question using an example of Pi calculation (see below). I am wondering whether or not the suggested approach is valid from the Flink's point of view. It works on one computer, however, I do not know how it will behave in a cluster setup. The code is given below, and the main idea behind it as follows:
  1. Create a class, named classPI, which method compute() does all data transformations, see more about it below.
  2. In the main method create a DataSet as in DataSet< classPI > opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
  3. Create DataSet< Double > PI, which equals output of transformation map() that calls the object PI's method compute() as in
    DataSet< Double > PI = MapFunction< classPI , Double>() { public Double map(classPI objPI) { return objPI.compute(); }});
  4. Now about ClassPI
    • Constructor instantiates ExecutionEnvironment, which is local for this class, as in
      public classPI(){ this.NumIter=1000000; env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();}
Thus, the code has two ExecutionEnvironment objects: one in main and another in the class classPI.
  • Has method compute() that runs all data transormations (in this example it is just several lines but potentially it might contain tons of Flink transfromations)
    public Double compute(){ DataSet count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter) .map(new Sampler()) .reduce(new SumReducer()); PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;
    return PI;}
the whole code is given below. Again, the question is if this is a valid approach for encapsulation of data transformation into a class in Flink setup that is supposed to be parallelizable to work on a cluster. Is there a better way to hide details of data transformations?
Thanks a lot!

-------------------------The code ----------------------

public <
span id="yiv9579689340yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1465213860132_46078" style="margin:0px;border:0px;color:rgb(16, 16, 148);">class PiEstimation{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
// this is one ExecutionEnvironment
 final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment
// this is critical DataSet with my classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<classPI> opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
// this map calls the method compute() of class classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<Double> PI = MapFunction<classPI , Double>() 
   public Double map(classPI  objPI) throws Exception { 
   // this is how I call method compute() that calculates PI using transformations  
   return objPI.compute(); } });    

   double pi = PI.collect().get(0);
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static class Sampler implements MapFunction<Long, Long> {
public Long map(Long value) {
    double x = Math.random();
    double y = Math.random();
    return (x * x + y * y) < 1 ? 1L : 

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static final class SumReducer implements ReduceFunction<Long>{
  public Long reduce(Long value1, Long value2) {
  return value1 + value2;}}

// this is my class that computes PI, my question is whether such a class is valid in Flink on  cluster with parallel computation 
public static final class classPI
   public Integer NumIter;
   private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
   public Double PI;

   // this is constructor with another ExecutionEnvironment
   public   classPI(){
            env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   //This is the the method that contains all data transformation
   public Double compute() throws Exception{
         DataSet<Long> count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter
                               .map(new Sampler())
                               .reduce(new SumReducer())
         PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;                      
         return  PI;}}}

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Re: Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

Greg Hogan
In reply to this post by Ser Kho
"The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting."

Implement CustomUnaryOperation. This can then be applied to a DataSet by calling `DataSet result = DataSet.runOperation(new MyOperation<>(...));`.

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Ser Kho <[hidden email]> wrote:
The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting. I have tried to investigate this question using an example of Pi calculation (see below). I am wondering whether or not the suggested approach is valid from the Flink's point of view. It works on one computer, however, I do not know how it will behave in a cluster setup. The code is given below, and the main idea behind it as follows:
  1. Create a class, named classPI, which method compute() does all data transformations, see more about it below.
  2. In the main method create a DataSet as in DataSet< classPI > opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
  3. Create DataSet< Double > PI, which equals output of transformation map() that calls the object PI's method compute() as in
    DataSet< Double > PI = MapFunction< classPI , Double>() { public Double map(classPI objPI) { return objPI.compute(); }});
  4. Now about ClassPI
    • Constructor instantiates ExecutionEnvironment, which is local for this class, as in
      public classPI(){ this.NumIter=1000000; env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();}
Thus, the code has two ExecutionEnvironment objects: one in main and another in the class classPI.
  • Has method compute() that runs all data transormations (in this example it is just several lines but potentially it might contain tons of Flink transfromations)
    public Double compute(){ DataSet count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter) .map(new Sampler()) .reduce(new SumReducer()); PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;
    return PI;}
the whole code is given below. Again, the question is if this is a valid approach for encapsulation of data transformation into a class in Flink setup that is supposed to be parallelizable to work on a cluster. Is there a better way to hide details of data transformations?
Thanks a lot!

-------------------------The code ----------------------

public class PiEstimation{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
// this is one ExecutionEnvironment
 final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();   
// this is critical DataSet with my classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<classPI> opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
// this map calls the method compute() of class classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<Double> PI = MapFunction<classPI , Double>() 
   public Double map(classPI  objPI) throws Exception { 
   // this is how I call method compute() that calculates PI using transformations  
   return objPI.compute(); } });    

   double pi = PI.collect().get(0);
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static class Sampler implements MapFunction<Long, Long> {
public Long map(Long value) {
    double x = Math.random();
    double y = Math.random();
    return (x * x + y * y) < 1 ? 1L : 0L;}}

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static final class SumReducer implements ReduceFunction<Long>{
  public Long reduce(Long value1, Long value2) {
  return value1 + value2;}}

// this is my class that computes PI, my question is whether such a class is valid in Flink on  cluster with parallel computation 
public static final class classPI
   public Integer NumIter;
   private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
   public Double PI;

   // this is constructor with another ExecutionEnvironment
   public   classPI(){
            env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   //This is the the method that contains all data transformation
   public Double compute() throws Exception{
         DataSet<Long> count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter)
                               .map(new Sampler())
                               .reduce(new SumReducer());
         PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;                                           
         return  PI;}}}

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Re: Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

Ser Kho
Just want to thank you. I might have one or two related questions later on, but now just thanks.

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 8:18 AM, Greg Hogan <[hidden email]> wrote:

"The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting."

Implement CustomUnaryOperation. This can then be applied to a DataSet by calling `DataSet result = DataSet.runOperation(new MyOperation<>(...));`.

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Ser Kho <[hidden email]> wrote:
The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting. I have tried to investigate this question using an example of Pi calculation (see below). I am wondering whether or not the suggested approach is valid from the Flink's point of view. It works on one computer, however, I do not know how it will behave in a cluster setup. The code is given below, and the main idea behind it as follows:
  1. Create a class, named classPI, which method compute() does all data transformations, see more about it below.
  2. In the main method create a DataSet as in DataSet< classPI > opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
  3. Create DataSet< Double > PI, which equals output of transformation map() that calls the object PI's method compute() as in
    DataSet< Double > PI = MapFunction< classPI , Double>() { public Double map(classPI objPI) { return objPI.compute(); }});
  4. Now about ClassPI
    • Constructor instantiates ExecutionEnvironment, which is local for this class, as in
      public classPI(){ this.NumIter=1000000; env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();}
Thus, the code has two ExecutionEnvironment objects: one in main and another in the class classPI.
  • Has method compute() that runs all data transormations (in this example it is just several lines but potentially it might contain tons of Flink transfromations)
    public Double compute(){ DataSet count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter) .map(new Sampler()) .reduce(new SumReducer()); PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;
    return PI;}
the whole code is given below. Again, the question is if this is a valid approach for encapsulation of data transformation into a class in Flink setup that is supposed to be parallelizable to work on a cluster. Is there a better way to hide details of data transformations?
Thanks a lot!

-------------------------The code ----------------------

public class PiEstimation{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
// this is one ExecutionEnvironment
 final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();   
// this is critical DataSet with my classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<classPI> opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
// this map calls the method compute() of class classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<Double> PI = MapFunction<classPI , Double>() 
   public Double map(classPI  objPI) throws Exception { 
   // this is how I call method compute() that calculates PI using transformations  
   return objPI.compute(); } });    

   double pi = PI.collect().get(0);
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: " + pi);   

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static class Sampler implements MapFunction<Long, Long> {
public Long map(Long value) {
    double x = Math.random();
    double y = Math.random();
    return (x * x + y * y) < 1 ? 1L : 0L;}}

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static final class SumReducer implements ReduceFunction<Long>{
  public Long reduce(Long value1, Long value2) {
  return value1 + value2;}}

// this is my class that computes PI, my question is whether such a class is valid in Flink on  cluster with parallel computation 
public static final class classPI
   public Integer NumIter;
   private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
   public Double PI;

   // this is constructor with another ExecutionEnvironment
   public   classPI(){
            env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   //This is the the method that contains all data transformation
   public Double compute() throws Exception{
         DataSet<Long> count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter)
                               .map(new Sampler())
                               .reduce(new SumReducer());
         PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;                                           
         return  PI;}}}

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Re: Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

Ser Kho
In reply to this post by Chesnay Schepler
I have two simple questions, related to the previous ones about encapsulation of transformations. 

Question 1. I have tried to extend my code using your suggestions and come up with a small concern. First, your code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
   ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   DataSet<Double> pi = new classPI(env).compute();
   new classThatNeedsPI(env).computeWhatever(pi); //append your transformations to pi

Below is my code (the bold lines are very similar and work ok). The line of concern is marked by blue color. The issue is that I do not use env in the constructor of the class classLengthCircle(), instead I use  DataSet pi in the method  computeLengthCircle(pi, Radius)
and also DataSet Radius, but the latter does not matter for the question. Then, I proceed with transformations using this DataSet pi, see the  class classLengthCircle below. It seems that the logic of this class and its method computeLengthCircle() does not require env at all. My question is if this  code work will on a cluster (it does work on a local computer)?

    final ExecutionEnvironment env =  ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();   
            DataSet<Double> Radius = env.fromElements(10.0);
            DataSet<Long>    NumIter =env.fromElements(1000000L);
            // this line is similar to the suggested
           DataSet<Double> pi = new classPI(env).compute(NumIter);
  // this line is somewhat different from the suggested, as it has no env in the constructor
           DataSet<Double> LengthCircle = new classLengthCircle().computeLengthCircle(pi, Radius);
  public static final class classLengthCircle
       public  DataSet<Double> computeLengthCircle(DataSet<Double> pi, DataSet<Double> Radius)
     DataSet<Double> result = pi.cross(Radius).map(
     new MapFunction<Tuple2<Double, Double>, Double >() {
    public Double map(Tuple2<Double, Double> arg0) throws Exception {
    return 2*arg0.f0 *arg0.f1;
return result;   
Question 2:
I tried to enter a parameter DataSet NumIter into a class  MapFunction of transformation map(), see the blue mark in the code below. It seems this parameter appears in the MapFunction without explicit passing, since nowhere the line
 .map(new MapFunction<Long, Double >() 
has any mentioning of NumIter.
Is the suggested approach a right way to pass a parameter inside the transformation MapFunction ?
Note, that the code works all right on a single computer.

public static final class classPI implements Serializable
private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
public classPI(ExecutionEnvironment env) {this.env = env;}
public  DataSet<Double>  compute( final  DataSet<Long> NumIter) throws Exception{
return  this.env.generateSequence(1, NumIter.collect().get(0))
.map(new Sampler())
.reduce(new SumReducer())
.map(new MapFunction<Long, Double >() 
Long N = NumIter.collect().get(0);
public Double map(Long arg0) throws Exception {
return arg0 *4.0/N;
}}); }}

Thanks a lot for your time.

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 8:14 AM, Chesnay Schepler <[hidden email]> wrote:

1a. ah. yeah i see how it could work, but i wouldn't count on it in a cluster.
you would (most likely) run the the sub-job (calculating pi) only on a single node.

1b. different execution environments generally imply different flink programs.

2. sure it does, since it's a normal flink job. yours on the other hand doesn't, since the job calculating PI only runs on a single TaskManager.

3. there are 2 ways. you can either chain jobs like this: (effectively running 2 flink programs in succession)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
  double pi = new classPI().compute();
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: "
 + pi);
  new classThatNeedsPI().computeWhatever(pi); //feeds pi into an env.fromElements call and proceeds from there
or (if all building blocks are flink programs) build a single job:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
	ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
	DataSet<Double> pi = new classPI(env).compute();
  	new classThatNeedsPI(env).computeWhatever(pi); //append your transformations to pi

public DataSet<Double> compute() throws Exception {
	return this.env.generateSequence(1, NumIter)
		.map(new Sampler())
		.reduce(new SumReducer())
		.map(/*return 4 * x*/);}

public ? computeWhatever(DataSet<Long> pi) throws Exception {

On 07.06.2016 13:35, Ser Kho wrote:
1a. The code actually works, that is the point. 
1b. What restrict for a Flink program to have several execution environments?
2. I am not sure that your modification allows for parallelism. Does it?
3. This code is a simple example of writing/organizing large and complicated programs, where the result of this pi needed to be used in another DataSet transformations beyond classPi(). What to do in this case?
Thanks a lot for the suggestions.

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 6:15 AM, Chesnay Schepler [hidden email] wrote:

from what i can tell from your code you are trying to execute a job within a job. This just doesn't work.

your main method should look like this:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
  double pi = new classPI().compute();
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: "
 + pi);   

On 06.06.2016 21:14, Ser Kho wrote:
The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting. I have tried to investigate this question using an example of Pi calculation (see below). I am wondering whether or not the suggested approach is valid from the Flink's point of view. It works on one computer, however, I do not know how it will behave in a cluster setup. The code is given below, and the main idea behind it as follows:
  1. Create a class, named classPI, which method compute() does all data transformations, see more about it below.
  2. In the main method create a DataSet as in DataSet< classPI > opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
  3. Create DataSet< Double > PI, which equals output of transformation map() that calls the object PI's method compute() as in
    DataSet< Double > PI = MapFunction< classPI , Double>() { public Double map(classPI objPI) { return objPI.compute(); }});
  4. Now about ClassPI
    • Constructor instantiates ExecutionEnvironment, which is local for this class, as in
      public classPI(){ this.NumIter=1000000; env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();}
Thus, the code has two ExecutionEnvironment objects: one in main and another in the class classPI.
  • Has method compute() that runs all data transormations (in this example it is just several lines but potentially it might contain tons of Flink transfromations)
    public Double compute(){ DataSet count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter) .map(new Sampler()) .reduce(new SumReducer()); PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;
    return PI;}
the whole code is given below. Again, the question is if this is a valid approach for encapsulation of data transformation into a class in Flink setup that is supposed to be parallelizable to work on a cluster. Is there a better way to hide details of data transformations?
Thanks a lot!

-------------------------The code ----------------------

public <
span id="yiv9579689340yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1465213860132_46078" style="margin:0px;border:0px;color:rgb(16, 16, 148);">class PiEstimation{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
// this is one ExecutionEnvironment
 final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment
// this is critical DataSet with my classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<classPI> opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
// this map calls the method compute() of class classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<Double> PI = MapFunction<classPI , Double>() 
   public Double map(classPI  objPI) throws Exception { 
   // this is how I call method compute() that calculates PI using transformations  
   return objPI.compute(); } });    

   double pi = PI.collect().get(0);
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: "
 + pi);   

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static class Sampler implements MapFunction<Long, Long> {
public Long map(Long value) {
    double x = Math.random();
    double y = Math.random();
    return (x * x + y * y) < 1 ? 1L : 

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static final class SumReducer implements ReduceFunction<Long>{
  public Long reduce(Long value1, Long value2) {
  return value1 + value2;}}

// this is my class that computes PI, my question is whether such a class is valid in Flink on  cluster with parallel computation 
public static final class classPI
   public Integer NumIter;
   private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
   public Double PI;

   // this is constructor with another ExecutionEnvironment
   public   classPI(){
            env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   //This is the the method that contains all data transformation
   public Double compute() throws Exception{
         DataSet<Long> count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter
                               .map(new Sampler())

                               .reduce(new SumReducer())
         PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;                      
         return  PI;}}}

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Re: Does Flink allows for encapsulation of transformations?

Chesnay Schepler
Whether one of your classes requires the env parameter depends on whether you want to create a new Source or set a ExecutionEnvironment parameter inside the class.
If you don't you can of course not pass it :)
I can't see anything that would prevent it form running on a cluster.

Usually, parameters are passed to a UDF through the constructor. You can use a DataSet within a function initializer block,
but it's rather unusual (this is in-fact the first time I've seen it done this way).

You can also just pass a long into the constructor, there is no need to use a DataSet and collect().

final ExecutionEnvironment env =  ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();   
DataSet<Double> Radius = env.fromElements(10.0);
final long numIter = 1000000L;    
DataSet<Double> pi = new classPI(env).compute(numIter);
DataSet<Double> LengthCircle = new classLengthCircle().computeLengthCircle(pi, Radius);
public static final class classPI implements Serializable {
	private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
	public classPI(ExecutionEnvironment env) {
		this.env = env;

	public DataSet<Double> compute( final long numIter) throws Exception {
                return  this.env.generateSequence(1, numIter)
                .map(new Sampler())
                .reduce(new SumReducer())
                .map(new MapFunction<Long, Double >() {
                    	public Double map(Long arg0) throws Exception {
                    		return arg0 *4.0/numIter;

On 10.06.2016 02:46, Ser Kho wrote:
I have two simple questions, related to the previous ones about encapsulation of transformations. 

Question 1. I have tried to extend my code using your suggestions and come up with a small concern. First, your code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
   ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   DataSet<Double> pi = new classPI(env).compute();
   new classThatNeedsPI(env).computeWhatever(pi); //append your transformations to pi

Below is my code (the bold lines are very similar and work ok). The line of concern is marked by blue color. The issue is that I do not use env in the constructor of the class classLengthCircle(), instead I use  DataSet pi in the method  computeLengthCircle(pi, Radius)
and also DataSet Radius, but the latter does not matter for the question. Then, I proceed with transformations using this DataSet pi, see the  class classLengthCircle below. It seems that the logic of this class and its method computeLengthCircle() does not require env at all. My question is if this  code work will on a cluster (it does work on a local computer)?

    final ExecutionEnvironment env =  ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();   
            DataSet<Double> Radius = env.fromElements(10.0);
            DataSet<Long>    NumIter =env.fromElements(1000000L);
            // this line is similar to the suggested
           DataSet<Double> pi = new classPI(env).compute(NumIter);
  // this line is somewhat different from the suggested, as it has no env in the constructor
           DataSet<Double> LengthCircle = new classLengthCircle().computeLengthCircle(pi, Radius);
  public static final class classLengthCircle
       public  DataSet<Double> computeLengthCircle(DataSet<Double> pi, DataSet<Double> Radius)
     DataSet<Double> result = pi.cross(Radius).map(
     new MapFunction<Tuple2<Double, Double>, Double >() {
    public Double map(Tuple2<Double, Double> arg0) throws Exception {
    return 2*arg0.f0 *arg0.f1;
return result;   
Question 2:
I tried to enter a parameter DataSet NumIter into a class  MapFunction of transformation map(), see the blue mark in the code below. It seems this parameter appears in the MapFunction without explicit passing, since nowhere the line
 .map(new MapFunction<Long, Double >() 
has any mentioning of NumIter.
Is the suggested approach a right way to pass a parameter inside the transformation MapFunction ?
Note, that the code works all right on a single computer.

public static final class classPI implements Serializable
private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
public classPI(ExecutionEnvironment env) {this.env = env;}
public  DataSet<Double>  compute( final  DataSet<Long> NumIter) throws Exception{
return  this.env.generateSequence(1, NumIter.collect().get(0))
.map(new Sampler())
.reduce(new SumReducer())
.map(new MapFunction<Long, Double >() 
Long N = NumIter.collect().get(0);
public Double map(Long arg0) throws Exception {
return arg0 *4.0/N;
}}); }}

Thanks a lot for your time.

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 8:14 AM, Chesnay Schepler [hidden email] wrote:

1a. ah. yeah i see how it could work, but i wouldn't count on it in a cluster.
you would (most likely) run the the sub-job (calculating pi) only on a single node.

1b. different execution environments generally imply different flink programs.

2. sure it does, since it's a normal flink job. yours on the other hand doesn't, since the job calculating PI only runs on a single TaskManager.

3. there are 2 ways. you can either chain jobs like this: (effectively running 2 flink programs in succession)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
  double pi = new classPI().compute();
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: "
 + pi);
  new classThatNeedsPI().computeWhatever(pi); //feeds pi into an env.fromElements call and proceeds from there
or (if all building blocks are flink programs) build a single job:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
	ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
	DataSet<Double> pi = new classPI(env).compute();
  	new classThatNeedsPI(env).computeWhatever(pi); //append your transformations to pi

public DataSet<Double> compute() throws Exception {
	return this.env.generateSequence(1, NumIter)
		.map(new Sampler())
		.reduce(new SumReducer())
		.map(/*return 4 * x*/);}

public ? computeWhatever(DataSet<Long> pi) throws Exception {

On 07.06.2016 13:35, Ser Kho wrote:
1a. The code actually works, that is the point. 
1b. What restrict for a Flink program to have several execution environments?
2. I am not sure that your modification allows for parallelism. Does it?
3. This code is a simple example of writing/organizing large and complicated programs, where the result of this pi needed to be used in another DataSet transformations beyond classPi(). What to do in this case?
Thanks a lot for the suggestions.

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 6:15 AM, Chesnay Schepler [hidden email] wrote:

from what i can tell from your code you are trying to execute a job within a job. This just doesn't work.

your main method should look like this:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
  double pi = new classPI().compute();
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: "
 + pi);   

On 06.06.2016 21:14, Ser Kho wrote:
The question is how to encapsulate numerous transformations into one object or may be a function in Apache Flink Java setting. I have tried to investigate this question using an example of Pi calculation (see below). I am wondering whether or not the suggested approach is valid from the Flink's point of view. It works on one computer, however, I do not know how it will behave in a cluster setup. The code is given below, and the main idea behind it as follows:
  1. Create a class, named classPI, which method compute() does all data transformations, see more about it below.
  2. In the main method create a DataSet as in DataSet< classPI > opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
  3. Create DataSet< Double > PI, which equals output of transformation map() that calls the object PI's method compute() as in
    DataSet< Double > PI = MapFunction< classPI , Double>() { public Double map(classPI objPI) { return objPI.compute(); }});
  4. Now about ClassPI
    • Constructor instantiates ExecutionEnvironment, which is local for this class, as in
      public classPI(){ this.NumIter=1000000; env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();}
Thus, the code has two ExecutionEnvironment objects: one in main and another in the class classPI.
  • Has method compute() that runs all data transormations (in this example it is just several lines but potentially it might contain tons of Flink transfromations)
    public Double compute(){ DataSet count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter) .map(new Sampler()) .reduce(new SumReducer()); PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;
    return PI;}
the whole code is given below. Again, the question is if this is a valid approach for encapsulation of data transformation into a class in Flink setup that is supposed to be parallelizable to work on a cluster. Is there a better way to hide details of data transformations?
Thanks a lot!

-------------------------The code ----------------------

span id="yiv9579689340yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1465213860132_46078" style="margin:0px;border:0px;color:rgb(16, 16, 148);">class PiEstimation{

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
// this is one ExecutionEnvironment
 final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment

// this is critical DataSet with my classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<classPI> opi = env.fromElements(new classPI());
// this map calls the method compute() of class classPI that computes PI
 DataSet<Double> PI = MapFunction<classPI , Double>() 
   public Double map(classPI  objPI) throws Exception { 
   // this is how I call method compute() that calculates PI using transformations  
   return objPI.compute(); } });    

   double pi = PI.collect().get(0);
   System.out.println("We estimate Pi to be: "
 + pi);   

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static class Sampler implements MapFunction<Long, Long> {
public Long map(Long value) {
    double x = Math.random();
    double y = Math.random();
    return (x * x + y * y) < 1 ? 1L : 

// this class is of no impotance for my question, howerver, it is relevant for pi calculation 
public static final class SumReducer implements ReduceFunction<Long>{
  public Long reduce(Long value1, Long value2) {
  return value1 + value2;}}

// this is my class that computes PI, my question is whether such a class is valid in Flink on  cluster with parallel computation 
public static final class classPI
   public Integer NumIter;
   private final ExecutionEnvironment env;
   public Double PI;

   // this is constructor with another ExecutionEnvironment
   public   classPI(){
            env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   //This is the the method that contains all data transformation
   public Double compute() throws Exception{
         DataSet<Long> count = env.generateSequence(1, NumIter
                               .map(new Sampler())

                               .reduce(new SumReducer())

         PI = 4.0*count.collect().get(0)/NumIter;            
         return  PI;}}}