sql/table configuration naming guide/style/spec

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sql/table configuration naming guide/style/spec


which is very helpful to write sql like hive

example on our flink sql ide: 
set table.exec.async-lookup.timeout = 3s;
insert into xxx
select *
from xxx

what if I want to add new configuration for idleState retention time
java style: 
tableConfig.setIdleStateRetentionTime(Time.seconds(minSeconds), Time.seconds(maxSeconds));

sql style we're need to support:
set sqlstate.idle.time.retention.mintime = 1min;
insert into xxx
select *
from xxx

So my question is what's the suggested naming spc/guide/style for new tableConfiguration ?
Is there any FLIP or doc for this?


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Re: sql/table configuration naming guide/style/spec

Timo Walther
Hi Luan,

we haven't updated all config parameters to string-based options. This
is still on going. The idle state retention will be configurable in 1.12:


I hope this helps.


On 09.10.20 15:33, Luan Cooper wrote:

> Hi
> I've read Sql Configuration guide
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/dev/table/config.html#execution-options
> *which is very helpful to write sql like hive*
> *example on our flink sql ide: *
> set table.exec.async-lookup.timeout = 3s;
> insert into xxx
> select *
> from xxx
> *what if I want to add new configuration for idleState retention time*
> java style:
> tableConfig.setIdleStateRetentionTime(Time.seconds(minSeconds),
> Time.seconds(maxSeconds));
> *sql style we're need to support:*
> set sqlstate.idle.time.retention.mintime = 1min;
> insert into xxx
> select *
> from xxx
> *So my question is what's the suggested naming spc/guide/style for new
> tableConfiguration ?*
> *Is there any FLIP or doc for this?*
> Thanks