restart strategy with checkpointing

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restart strategy with checkpointing

Janardhan Reddy
If we have a restart strategy mentioned in flink config file, does enabling checkpointing ovverride that restart strategy. 

Am i correct to assume that if checkpointing is enabled then job would be restarted infinite number of times in case of failure irrespective of restart strategy.
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Re: restart strategy with checkpointing

Ufuk Celebi
The default restart strategy for checkpointing is infinite number of
retries. If you have another restart strategy configured that one
should be used.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Janardhan Reddy
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> If we have a restart strategy mentioned in flink config file, does enabling
> checkpointing ovverride that restart strategy.
> Am i correct to assume that if checkpointing is enabled then job would be
> restarted infinite number of times in case of failure irrespective of
> restart strategy.