logger error of flink 1.8+ docker mode

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logger error of flink 1.8+ docker mode

After deploying Flink 1.8.0 with docker,  logger page for jobManager and taskManager doesn't work.

I try to run flink with background mode instead of start-foreground(docker-entrypoint.sh) , but  the container can't be started.

Anyone can help?
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Re: logger error of flink 1.8+ docker mode

Yang Wang
Hi Ever,

May you share more information about your environment? 
If you could not find any log in the flink dashboard, you need to check the log4j of job manager and task manager. Make sure you could find the log files(jobmanager.log/taskmanager.log) under /opt/flink/log in the docker container.

If you are running flink with background mode, you need to specify a daemon process instead. Otherwise, the docker container will finish soon.

Ever <[hidden email]> 于2019年7月10日周三 上午11:02写道:
After deploying Flink 1.8.0 with docker,  logger page for jobManager and taskManager doesn't work.

I try to run flink with background mode instead of start-foreground(docker-entrypoint.sh) , but  the container can't be started.

Anyone can help?
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回复: logger error of flink 1.8+ docker mode


I modify the docker-entrypoint.sh and it works.
Here's what I updated:

#exec $(drop_privs_cmd) "$FLINK_HOME/bin/jobmanager.sh" start-foreground"$@"
$FLINK_HOME/bin/jobmanager.sh start "$@"
#exec $(drop_privs_cmd) "$FLINK_HOME/bin/taskmanager.sh" start-foreground "$@"
 $FLINK_HOME/bin/taskmanager.sh start "$@"

#hold the container
tail -f $CONF_FILE

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Yang Wang"<[hidden email]>;
发送时间: 2019年7月10日(星期三) 下午3:02
收件人: "Ever"<[hidden email]>;
抄送: "user"<[hidden email]>;
主题: Re: logger error of flink 1.8+ docker mode

Hi Ever,

May you share more information about your environment? 
If you could not find any log in the flink dashboard, you need to check the log4j of job manager and task manager. Make sure you could find the log files(jobmanager.log/taskmanager.log) under /opt/flink/log in the docker container.

If you are running flink with background mode, you need to specify a daemon process instead. Otherwise, the docker container will finish soon.

Ever <[hidden email]> 于2019年7月10日周三 上午11:02写道:
After deploying Flink 1.8.0 with docker,  logger page for jobManager and taskManager doesn't work.

I try to run flink with background mode instead of start-foreground(docker-entrypoint.sh) , but  the container can't be started.

Anyone can help?