k-means core function for temporal geo data

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k-means core function for temporal geo data

Pa Rö


i want cluster geo data (lat,long,timestamp) with k-means. now i search for a good core function, i can not find good paper or other sources for that. to time i multiplicate the time and the space distance:

public static double dis(GeoData input1, GeoData input2)
   double timeDis = Math.abs( input1.getTime() - input2.getTime() );
   double geoDis = geoDis(input1, input2); //extra function
   return timeDis*geoDis;

maybe someone know a good core function for clustering temporal geo data? (need citation)

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Re: k-means core function for temporal geo data

Xiangrui Meng
I'm not sure whether k-means would converge with this customized
distance measure. You can list (weighted) time as a feature along with
coordinates, and then use Euclidean distance. For other supported
distance measures, you can check Derrick's package:

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 2:30 AM, Pa Rö <[hidden email]> wrote:

> hallo,
> i want cluster geo data (lat,long,timestamp) with k-means. now i search for
> a good core function, i can not find good paper or other sources for that.
> to time i multiplicate the time and the space distance:
> public static double dis(GeoData input1, GeoData input2)
> {
>    double timeDis = Math.abs( input1.getTime() - input2.getTime() );
>    double geoDis = geoDis(input1, input2); //extra function
>    return timeDis*geoDis;
> }
> maybe someone know a good core function for clustering temporal geo data?
> (need citation)