Hi , Flink users we are using Flink as the runtime of our beam jobs which works great, recently we want to enable restart strategy in our flink cluster, from the document I see restart strategy will only work when checkpointing is enabled. I'm trying to find out if it's possible to enable checkpointing from flink-conf.yaml which is equivalent to the call " flinkStreamEnv.enableCheckpointing(checkpointInterval);" in StreamExecutionEnvironment. the reason we want to config it through flink-conf.yaml is that we use helm to create flink cluster ondemand for dedicated job which works great on kubernetes env. with beam if we want to enable checkpointing , we have to create FlinkPipelineOptions which is cross platform. (like you use Hibernate Session in JPA code). so we are trying to find a way to enable it from flink-conf.yaml .sample flink-conf.yaml as below. flink-conf.yaml: | |
There is no option that enables
checkpointing for all jobs.
If you have control over all jobs, as a hack, you could load the configuration manually (I don't think it is exposed through the execution environment) using "GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration()", manually check it for whatever setting you put in the config, and enable checkpointing based on that. Note that we discourage the use of the GlobalConfiguration in general, and the above may not work anymore in an upcoming version. On 26.07.2017 16:15, Ivan wrote:
one more thing I found is a little confusing for Restart
Strategies document is
The default restart strategy is set via Flink’s configuration
file flink-conf.yaml. The configuration parameter
restart-strategy defines which strategy is taken. If checkpointing is not enabled, the “no
restart” strategy is used. If checkpointing is activated and
the restart strategy has not been configured, the fixed-delay
strategy is used with Integer.MAX_VALUE restart attempts.
See the following list of available restart strategies to learn
what values are supported. I think the document marked as blue will only take effect when no restart strategy is defined in flink-conf.yaml. it's quite easy to misunderstand that the restart strategies is only enabled when checkpointing is enabled, otherwise "no restart" strategy is used.
Thanks On 26/07/2017 10:32 PM, Chesnay
Schepler wrote:
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