integration with a scheduler

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integration with a scheduler

Serkan Taş

I am planning to integrate flink with our job scheduler product to execute
jobs - especially bathc like - on flink which may be the part of some
other DAG style job chain.

I need some control ablities like start, stop, suspend, get status...

Where shold i go through ?

Serkan Tas
Likya Bilgi Teknolojileri
ve Iletiþim Hiz. Ltd.
Tel : 0 216 471 81 55
Gsm : 0 542 242 00 92
Faks:  0 216 661 14 92

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Re: integration with a scheduler

Hi Serkan,

I would suggest to have a look at the "./bin/flink" tool. It allows you to start ("run") and stop ("cancel") batch and streaming jobs.
Flink doesn't support suspending jobs.

You can also use the JobManager web interface (default port: 8081) to get the status of the job and also to cancel it.

If you need programmatic access to the job status, have a look at the CliFrontend class. Its the class called by the "./bin/flink" tool. There, you can see how jobs are submitted and cancelled.


2016-01-19 12:10 GMT+01:00 <[hidden email]>:

I am planning to integrate flink with our job scheduler product to execute
jobs - especially bathc like - on flink which may be the part of some
other DAG style job chain.

I need some control ablities like start, stop, suspend, get status...

Where shold i go through ?

Serkan Tas
Likya Bilgi Teknolojileri
ve Iletişim Hiz. Ltd.
Tel : <a href="tel:0%20216%20471%2081%2055" value="+492164718155">0 216 471 81 55
Gsm : <a href="tel:0%20542%20242%2000%2092" value="+495422420092">0 542 242 00 92
Faks:  <a href="tel:0%20216%20661%2014%2092" value="+492166611492">0 216 661 14 92

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Re: integration with a scheduler

Stephan Ewen
If you want to programmatically start / stop / cancel jobs, have a look at the class 

From the classes RemoteEnvironment or the RemoteExecutor, you can see how to use it to send jobs and commands to a Flink cluster.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:03 PM, Robert Metzger <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Serkan,

I would suggest to have a look at the "./bin/flink" tool. It allows you to start ("run") and stop ("cancel") batch and streaming jobs.
Flink doesn't support suspending jobs.

You can also use the JobManager web interface (default port: 8081) to get the status of the job and also to cancel it.

If you need programmatic access to the job status, have a look at the CliFrontend class. Its the class called by the "./bin/flink" tool. There, you can see how jobs are submitted and cancelled.


2016-01-19 12:10 GMT+01:00 <[hidden email]>:

I am planning to integrate flink with our job scheduler product to execute
jobs - especially bathc like - on flink which may be the part of some
other DAG style job chain.

I need some control ablities like start, stop, suspend, get status...

Where shold i go through ?

Serkan Tas
Likya Bilgi Teknolojileri
ve Iletişim Hiz. Ltd.
Tel : <a href="tel:0%20216%20471%2081%2055" value="+492164718155" target="_blank">0 216 471 81 55
Gsm : <a href="tel:0%20542%20242%2000%2092" value="+495422420092" target="_blank">0 542 242 00 92
Faks:  <a href="tel:0%20216%20661%2014%2092" value="+492166611492" target="_blank">0 216 661 14 92

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açıklamanız, kopyalamanız, yönlendirmeniz ve kullanmanız kesinlikle
yasaktır. Lütfen mesajı geri gönderiniz ve sisteminizden siliniz. Likya
Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Hiz. Ltd. Şti. bu mesajın içeriği ile
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Re: integration with a scheduler

Serkan Taş
Thank you very much Stephan and Robert.

As Robert offers, the most common way is to execute a batch script, but i want to go beyond.

i am going to work on both alternatives.

Best regards,

20 Oca 2016 tarihinde 22:53 saatinde, Stephan Ewen <[hidden email]> şunları yazdı:

If you want to programmatically start / stop / cancel jobs, have a look at the class 

From the classes RemoteEnvironment or the RemoteExecutor, you can see how to use it to send jobs and commands to a Flink cluster.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:03 PM, Robert Metzger <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Serkan,

I would suggest to have a look at the "./bin/flink" tool. It allows you to start ("run") and stop ("cancel") batch and streaming jobs.
Flink doesn't support suspending jobs.

You can also use the JobManager web interface (default port: 8081) to get the status of the job and also to cancel it.

If you need programmatic access to the job status, have a look at the CliFrontend class. Its the class called by the "./bin/flink" tool. There, you can see how jobs are submitted and cancelled.


2016-01-19 12:10 GMT+01:00 <[hidden email]>:

I am planning to integrate flink with our job scheduler product to execute
jobs - especially bathc like - on flink which may be the part of some
other DAG style job chain.

I need some control ablities like start, stop, suspend, get status...

Where shold i go through ?

Serkan Tas
Likya Bilgi Teknolojileri
ve Iletişim Hiz. Ltd.
Tel : <a href="tel:0%20216%20471%2081%2055" value="+492164718155" target="_blank" class="">0 216 471 81 55
Gsm : <a href="tel:0%20542%20242%2000%2092" value="+495422420092" target="_blank" class="">0 542 242 00 92
Faks:  <a href="tel:0%20216%20661%2014%2092" value="+492166611492" target="_blank" class="">0 216 661 14 92

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açıklamanız, kopyalamanız, yönlendirmeniz ve kullanmanız kesinlikle
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Serkan Taş
Mobil : +90 532 250 07 71
Likya Bilgi Teknolojileri
ve İletişim Hiz. Ltd. Şti.
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