Hi i m evaluating to adopt flink instead spark for data mining processor. I knew flinkML for this scope but in the last release i cant find it. Why?
Can you suggest the best way ? Cristian Lorenzetto Direzione ICT e Agenda Digitale U.O. Demand, Progettazione e Sviluppo Software Tel: 041 2792619 Ai sensi del vigente D.Lgs. 196/2003 in materia di privacy e del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio si precisa che le informazioni contenute nel messaggio e negli eventuali allegati sono riservate esclusivamente al/ai destinatario/i indicato/i. Si invita ad astenersi dall'effettuare: inoltri, copie, distribuzioni e divulgazioni non autorizzate del presente messaggio e degli eventuali allegati. Nel caso di erroneo recapito, si chiede cortesemente a chi legge di dare immediata comunicazione al mittente e di cancellare il presente messaggio e gli eventuali allegati. Informazioni aggiuntive nella sezione **Privacy** del sito internet: www.regione.veneto. ------------------------------ According to the Italian law D.Lgs. 196/2003 and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council the information contained in this message and any attachment contained therein is addressed exclusively to the intended recipient. Please refain to not make copies, to forward the message and its attachments or disclose their content unless authorisation. In case of incorrect delivered message to your mail, please inform immediately the sender and delete the message and its attachments. Additional information are available in the **Privacy** section, on the website: www.regione.veneto.it |
The flinkML has been choosen to drop since Flink-1.9 [1] and a new machine learning library has been developed under the umbrella of FLIP-39 [2][3].
As far as I know, the new Flink ml library has not been completed and you could try Alink [4], a Machine Learning algorithm platform based on Flink, which also developed by active contributors for FLIP-39.
Yun Tang
From: Cristian Lorenzetto <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 18:59 To: [hidden email] <[hidden email]> Subject: info about flinkml Hi i m evaluating to adopt flink instead spark for data mining processor. I knew flinkML for this scope but in the last release i cant find it. Why?
Can you suggest the best way ?
Cristian Lorenzetto
Direzione ICT e Agenda Digitale
U.O. Demand, Progettazione e Sviluppo Software
Tel: 041 2792619
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According to the Italian law D.Lgs. 196/2003 and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council the information contained in this message and any attachment contained therein is addressed exclusively to the intended recipient.
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