inconsistent behaviour in GenericCsvInputFormat

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inconsistent behaviour in GenericCsvInputFormat




I think there is a inconsistent behaviour in parseRecord function of GenericCsvInputFormat, but I would like anybody confirm it.

When using readCsvFile and mapping to pojo objects with fields typed as String, the  result of the parsing is diferent depending on the field position when having empty values


In case any field but the last, has empty values, the parseRecord function returns true. In case the last field has an empty value, in the for loop the startPos and limit are equal, and function returns false if lenient is tru or throws an exception.



Having a pojo with 3 attributes of type String and trying to parse the following records


String|String|String -> OK

||String -> OK

String|String| ->NOK


First two are correct but the last throws the ParseException in line 365


I think that or every null String makes to discard the records or the parsing should consider empty values at the end of the record.

What do you think?




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Re: inconsistent behaviour in GenericCsvInputFormat

Kurt Young
Hi, what version of Flink did you use?


On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:19 AM, JAVIER RODRIGUEZ BENITO <[hidden email]> wrote:



I think there is a inconsistent behaviour in parseRecord function of GenericCsvInputFormat, but I would like anybody confirm it.

When using readCsvFile and mapping to pojo objects with fields typed as String, the  result of the parsing is diferent depending on the field position when having empty values


In case any field but the last, has empty values, the parseRecord function returns true. In case the last field has an empty value, in the for loop the startPos and limit are equal, and function returns false if lenient is tru or throws an exception.



Having a pojo with 3 attributes of type String and trying to parse the following records


String|String|String -> OK

||String -> OK

String|String| ->NOK


First two are correct but the last throws the ParseException in line 365


I think that or every null String makes to discard the records or the parsing should consider empty values at the end of the record.

What do you think?




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RE: inconsistent behaviour in GenericCsvInputFormat


Hi Kurt,


I´m using versión 1.2.0.






De: Kurt Young [mailto:[hidden email]]
Enviado el: viernes, 21 de abril de 2017 2:56
Para: JAVIER RODRIGUEZ BENITO <[hidden email]>
CC: [hidden email]
Asunto: Re: inconsistent behaviour in GenericCsvInputFormat


Hi, what version of Flink did you use?




On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:19 AM, JAVIER RODRIGUEZ BENITO <[hidden email]> wrote:



I think there is a inconsistent behaviour in parseRecord function of GenericCsvInputFormat, but I would like anybody confirm it.

When using readCsvFile and mapping to pojo objects with fields typed as String, the  result of the parsing is diferent depending on the field position when having empty values


In case any field but the last, has empty values, the parseRecord function returns true. In case the last field has an empty value, in the for loop the startPos and limit are equal, and function returns false if lenient is tru or throws an exception.



Having a pojo with 3 attributes of type String and trying to parse the following records


String|String|String -> OK

||String -> OK

String|String| ->NOK


First two are correct but the last throws the ParseException in line 365


I think that or every null String makes to discard the records or the parsing should consider empty values at the end of the record.

What do you think?





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