how to add a new runtime operator

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how to add a new runtime operator

Vincent Cai
Hi All,
Flink is an amazing streaming platfrom,meanwhile it is also complicated. Do we have some "step by step" guideline for adding new runtime operators for Flink? I got one page via google but it should be out of date. Thanks. 

Vincent  Cai
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Re: how to add a new runtime operator

Timo Walther
Hi Vincent,

we don't have a step by step guide for adding new operators. Most of the
important operations are exposed via DataStream API. Esp.
ProcessFunction [1] fits for most complex use cases with access to the
primitives such as time and state.

What kind of operator is missing for your use case?

I think code is still the best tutorial in this case. You could take a
look at DataStream#map [2] for example.




On 12.08.20 07:51, Vincent Cai wrote:

> Hi All,
> Flink is an amazing streaming platfrom,meanwhile it is also
> complicated. Do we have some "step by step" guideline for adding new
> runtime operators for Flink? I got one page via google but it should be
> out of date. Thanks.
> Regards
> Vincent  Cai