flink's hard dependency on zookeeper for HA

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flink's hard dependency on zookeeper for HA

Vishwas Siravara
Hi all,
I am using flink 1.7.2 as a standalone cluster in high availability mode with zookeeper. I have noticed that all flink processes go down once zookeeper goes down ? Is this expected behavior since the leader election has already happened and the job has been running for several hours. 

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Re: flink's hard dependency on zookeeper for HA

vino yang
Hi Vishwas,

In the standalone cluster HA mode, Flink heavily depends on ZooKeeper. Not only for leader election, but also for:

  • Checkpoint metadata info;
  • JobGraph store;
  • ....
So you should make sure your ZooKeeper Cluster works normally. More details please see[1][2].


Vishwas Siravara <[hidden email]> 于2019年11月7日周四 上午12:07写道:
Hi all,
I am using flink 1.7.2 as a standalone cluster in high availability mode with zookeeper. I have noticed that all flink processes go down once zookeeper goes down ? Is this expected behavior since the leader election has already happened and the job has been running for several hours. 
