flink ml k means relase

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flink ml k means relase

Pa Rö

now i want implement kmeans with flink,
maybe you know a release date for flink ml kmeans?

best regards
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Re: flink ml k means relase


the community didn't decide on a plan for releasing Flink 0.9 yet.
Here, you can track the progress for the Flink ML variant of KMeans: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-1731

There is also a KMeans implementation in the examples of Flink. Maybe that is sufficient for now?


On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 2:50 PM, Pa Rö <[hidden email]> wrote:

now i want implement kmeans with flink,
maybe you know a release date for flink ml kmeans?

best regards