The result contains (a,Map(3 -> rt)) because reduce prints all
intermediate results (sometimes called a "rolling reduce"). It's
designed this way, because Flink streams are generally infinite, so
there is no last element where you could print the "final" results.
However, you can use windowing [1] to perform the reduce on elements
that arrived in certain time intervals called windows, in which case
only the final results for a window are emitted.
https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.1/apis/streaming/windows.html2016-08-29 11:08 GMT+02:00 <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
> in flink,the datastream have reduce Transformations,but the result do
> not satisfy for me,
> for example,
> val pairs2 = env.fromCollection((Array(("a", Map(3->"rt")),("a",
> Map(4->"yt")),("b", Map(5->"dfs")))))
> val re= pairs2.keyBy(0).reduce((x1,x2)=>(x1._1,x2._2++x1._2))
> re.map{x=>
> println(x)
> x
> }
> the result are,
> (a,Map(3 -> rt))
> (a,Map(3 -> rt, 4 -> yt))
> (b,Map(5 -> dfs))
> but i want to get ,
> (a,Map(3 -> rt, 4 -> yt))
> (b,Map(5 -> dfs))
> --------------------------------