I have a scala project depending on flink scala_2.11 and am seeing a compilation error when using sbt. I'm using flink 1.0-SNAPSHOT and my build was working yesterday. I was wondering if maybe a recent change to flink could be the cause? Usually we see flink resolving the scala _2.11 counterparts for akka and scalatest: [info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-actor_2.11;2.3.7 ... [info] Resolving com.typesafe#config;1.2.1 ... [info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-remote_2.11;2.3.7 ... [info] Resolving org.scalatest#scalatest_2.11;2.2.4 ... but am seeing it pick up the _2.10 counterparts: [info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-actor_2.10;2.3.7 ... [info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-actor_2.10;2.3.7 ... [info] Resolving com.typesafe#config;1.2.1 ... [info] Resolving org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;2.2.2 ... This ultimately gives us the following compilation error: [error] org.scalatest:scalatest _2.10, _2.11
java.lang.RuntimeException: Conflicting cross-version suffixes in: org.scalatest:scalatest
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at sbt.ConflictWarning$.processCrossVersioned(ConflictWarning.scala:46)
at sbt.ConflictWarning$.apply(ConflictWarning.scala:32) Maybe the latest 1.0-SNAPSHOT build erroneously built with scala 2.10 for the 2.11 profile? Any guidance appreciated! Thanks, David |
Hi David, this is definitely an error on our side which might be caused by the latest changes to the project structure (removing flink-staging directory). I’ve filed a JIRA issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-3241. It should be fixed soon. In the meantime it should work if you build yourself the Flink binaries from the sources. First check them out, then call Cheers, On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 11:25 PM, David Kim <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks Till! I'll keep an eye out on the JIRA issue. Many thanks for the prompt reply. Cheers, David On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 4:16 AM, Till Rohrmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
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Hey David, the issue should be resolved now. Please let me know if its still an issue for you. Regards, Robert On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 4:02 PM, David Kim <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Robert, Thanks for following up. The issue is resolved! Cheers, David On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:08 AM, Robert Metzger <[hidden email]> wrote:
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