disable console output

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disable console output

Andres R. Masegosa

I'm having problems when working with flink (local mode) and travis-ci.
The console output gives raises to big logs files (>4MB).

How can I disable from my Java code (through the Configuration object)
the progress messages displayed in console?

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Re: disable console output

Jamie Grier
Hi Andres,

I believe what you're looking for is to disable the logging.  Have a look at the log4j.properties file that exists in your <flink>/lib directory.  You can configure this to use a NullAppender (or whatever you like).  You can also selectively just disable logging for particular parts of the class hierarchy if you can identify the code responsible for the heavy logging.


On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 5:13 AM, Andres R. Masegosa <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm having problems when working with flink (local mode) and travis-ci.
The console output gives raises to big logs files (>4MB).

How can I disable from my Java code (through the Configuration object)
the progress messages displayed in console?



Jamie Grier
data Artisans, Director of Applications Engineering