counting elements in datastream

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counting elements in datastream

Hello all, 

If anyone had idea, what could be the probable way to count the elements of a current instance of the datastream. Is it possible?

DataStream<Tuple2<Point, Grid>> pointsWithGridCoordinates;

Subash Basnet
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Re: counting elements in datastream

Sameer Wadkar
Use Count windows and keep emitting results say every 1000 elements and do a sum. Or do without windows something like this which has the disadvantage that it emits a new updated result for each new element (not a good thing if your volume is high)-

Or use tumbling time windows on processing time - Advantage over count windows is that you get a count every few (configured seconds) which you can then add up on your client side.

Since you do not need a keyBy operation you would do this directly on the DataStream instance without doing a keyBy but that way you get multiple counts per partition of the stream which you will need to add up.

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 5:54 AM, subash basnet <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello all, 

If anyone had idea, what could be the probable way to count the elements of a current instance of the datastream. Is it possible?

DataStream<Tuple2<Point, Grid>> pointsWithGridCoordinates;

Subash Basnet