about Kafka sink and 2PC function

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about Kafka sink and 2PC function

After reading about FlinkKafkaProducer011 and 2PC function in FLINK, I know, 
when snapshotState(),
  • preCommit currentTransaction.
  • add <currentTransaction, newTransaction> to the State.
when Checkpoint done and notifyCheckpointComplete(),
  • producer will commit currentTransaction to brokers.
when initializeState(),
  • restore from State.
  • commit currentTransaction and abort newTransaction.
And I have one question, what happens if program fails after notifyCheckpointComplete() done?
As my opinion, when it recovers, it will re-commit what has committed which results duplicate.

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Re: about Kafka sink and 2PC function

Zhu Zhu
According to FlinkKafkaProducer011#recoverAndCommit(..), a re-commit of committed transaction would result in an error which will be skipped.
So the duplicated commit would not take effect.


Zhu Zhu

[hidden email] <[hidden email]> 于2019年10月10日周四 下午1:16写道:
After reading about FlinkKafkaProducer011 and 2PC function in FLINK, I know, 
when snapshotState(),
  • preCommit currentTransaction.
  • add <currentTransaction, newTransaction> to the State.
when Checkpoint done and notifyCheckpointComplete(),
  • producer will commit currentTransaction to brokers.
when initializeState(),
  • restore from State.
  • commit currentTransaction and abort newTransaction.
And I have one question, what happens if program fails after notifyCheckpointComplete() done?
As my opinion, when it recovers, it will re-commit what has committed which results duplicate.