When will FLink support kafka1.0

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When will FLink support kafka1.0

Some other departments within the company have adopted the version of
kafka1.0. I have seen that flink currently supports 0.9, 0.10 and 0.11. When
will the version of kafka1.0 be supported ?

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Re: When will FLink support kafka1.0

vino yang
Hi spoon_lz,

Thank you for asking this question. Kafka 1.0's connector is currently in PR review status. I still need some time to refactor it. You can track its status through FLINK-7964.[1]
Regarding the time, I hope it will be released along with 1.7.0.

Thanks, vino.

spoon_lz <[hidden email]> 于2018年8月28日周二 下午2:45写道:
Some other departments within the company have adopted the version of
kafka1.0. I have seen that flink currently supports 0.9, 0.10 and 0.11. When
will the version of kafka1.0 be supported ?

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