The cassandra-driver-core dependency is
not relocated (i.e. renamed) in the cassandra connector. If it
were you wouldn't have conflicts ;)
The cassandra-connector artifact is a fat-jar, and thus always
contains this dependency. There is no way get rid of it with maven
exclusions (outside the IDE).
Please see the last comment in
for some workarounds.
You could also try building the connector from source; you would
have to set the datastax dependencies to whatever version you are
using and disable the guava relocation.
On 29.05.2018 13:43, Soheil Pourbafrani wrote:
Hi, I use Flink Cassandra Connector dependency in
my maven project. Other components have conflict with the
cassandra-driver-core that is embedded in
flink-cassandra-connector. I tried to exclude that in pom.xml
file like this:
but it didn't exclude cassandra-driver-core from my project,
so I guess it is embedded under another name. Can anybody tell
me what is the name of the artifact that includes class
in flink-cassandra-connector dependency?