What does the number in front of the ">" character mean when call print()
on a dataset?
For example I may have this in my source where I am reading a socket stream
of sensor data:
DataStream<Tuple2<String,Double>> simpleStream = env
.socketTextStream(parms.get("host"), parms.getInt("port"))
.map(new SensorParser());
DataStream<Tuple2<String,Double>> temps = simpleStream
.process(new MyProcessWindowFunction(appStartTime));
When I look at the output, I see something like:
1> (sensor5,98.64)
3> (sensor8,81.31)
2> (sensor3,69.55)
4> (sensor0,82.86)
What do numbers 1,3,2,4 mean, i.e. 1>, 3>, 2>, 4> on the lines above?
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