Useful methods getting deprecated

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Useful methods getting deprecated

Hi Flink users,

I am a big fan of table API and we are extensively using it on petabytes
with ad-hoc queries. In our system, nobody goes and writes table creation
DDL, we inherit table schema from schema registry(avro data in Kafka)
dynamically and create temporary tables in the session.

I am using methods like `connect`, `registerTableSource` to generate my
tables dynamically which are now giving deprecation warnings. It is just
simply not practical to write SQL for table generation with schema. I may
end-up doing a lot of string operation for generating SQL statement from
Avro Schema for generating tables and use `executeSql`, but I don't think it
will be as cleaner as using `connect`, `registerTableSource`. I am little
bit worried about fetching new Flink releases to my application now.

Is there any specific reason low level support for creating tables are
getting deprecated?

Best regards,

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Re: Useful methods getting deprecated

Timo Walther

I agree that both `connect` and `registerTableSource` are useful for
generating Table API pipelines. It is likely that both API methods will
get a replacement in the near future.

Let me explain the current status briefly:

connect(): The CREATE TABLE DDL evolved faster than connect(). The
method still uses the old pre FLIP-95 interface stack. In order to avoid
confusion we decided to deprecate it already (without dropping it for
now). There are plans to reintroduce it

some prerequisite work has been done in

registerTableSource(): This is a bit tricky because the new table
sources and sinks will work on internal data structures.

The easiest solution is to use the Data Stream API and the new
`fromDataStream` or `fromChangelogStream` introduced in Flink 1.13.

Otherwise you can implement a helper class that extends
`ScanTableSource` and uses a `DataStreamScanProvider` with a factory to
call it via SQL DDL. We might provide such a wrapper class in the near
future for use cases like yours.

I hope this helps. Feel free to use the deprecated method longer until
the community provides alternatives that are more helpful.

Thanks for the feedback,

On 15.05.21 04:11, lalala wrote:

> Hi Flink users,
> I am a big fan of table API and we are extensively using it on petabytes
> with ad-hoc queries. In our system, nobody goes and writes table creation
> DDL, we inherit table schema from schema registry(avro data in Kafka)
> dynamically and create temporary tables in the session.
> I am using methods like `connect`, `registerTableSource` to generate my
> tables dynamically which are now giving deprecation warnings. It is just
> simply not practical to write SQL for table generation with schema. I may
> end-up doing a lot of string operation for generating SQL statement from
> Avro Schema for generating tables and use `executeSql`, but I don't think it
> will be as cleaner as using `connect`, `registerTableSource`. I am little
> bit worried about fetching new Flink releases to my application now.
> Is there any specific reason low level support for creating tables are
> getting deprecated?
> Best regards,
> --
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