Use keyBy to deterministically hash each record to a processor/task/slot

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Use keyBy to deterministically hash each record to a processor/task/slot

Hi all,

After trying to understand exactly how keyBy works internally, I did not get
anything more than "it applies obj.hashcode() % n", where n is the number of

This post for example,
suggest to implement a KeySelector and write our own hashcode function.
Though none of the above is clear, especially the hashcode part.

I am running a pc with 4 slots/processors and I would like to hash each
record based on a certain field to a specific processor. Ideally, lets say
that the 4 processors have ids: 0, 1, 2, 3. Then I would like to send the
tuples whose (key % 4) = 0 to the proc with id 0,  (key % 4) = 1 to the proc
with id 1 etc etc.

I would like to know exactly to which processor/task each tuple goes.
Can I do that deterministically with keyBy in Flink??

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Use keyBy to deterministically hash each record to a processor/task/slot

Tony Wei
Hi Max,

The way that Flink to assign key to which subtask is based on `KeyGroupRangeAssignment.assignKeyToParallelOperator`.
Its first step is to assign key to a key group based on the max parallelism [2]. Then, assign each key group to a specific subtask based on the current parallelism [3].

The question that you asked is if the keyBy in Flink is deterministic. I think the answer is yes, but the problem is that assignment to key group is not just `obj.hashCode()`, but `murmurhash(obj.hashCode())` instead.
If you can know the output from murmurhash on the each object, you can determine which subtask that operator will go to.
I'm not sure if this is a good solution and I am also wondering if it can be fulfilled.

Best Regards,
Tony Wei

2017-10-30 23:20 GMT+08:00 m@xi <[hidden email]>:
Hi all,

After trying to understand exactly how keyBy works internally, I did not get
anything more than "it applies obj.hashcode() % n", where n is the number of

This post for example,
suggest to implement a KeySelector and write our own hashcode function.
Though none of the above is clear, especially the hashcode part.

I am running a pc with 4 slots/processors and I would like to hash each
record based on a certain field to a specific processor. Ideally, lets say
that the 4 processors have ids: 0, 1, 2, 3. Then I would like to send the
tuples whose (key % 4) = 0 to the proc with id 0,  (key % 4) = 1 to the proc
with id 1 etc etc.

I would like to know exactly to which processor/task each tuple goes.
Can I do that deterministically with keyBy in Flink??

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Use keyBy to deterministically hash each record to a processor/task/slot

Hello Tony,

Thanks a lot for your answer. Now I know exactly what happens with keyBy
function, yet still I haven't figured out a proper (non hard coded way) to
deterministically send a tuple to each key.

If somenone from the Flink team could help it would be great!


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Re: Use keyBy to deterministically hash each record to a processor/task/slot

Dongwon Kim-2

As I need to generate the same number of keys as that of partitions, I also suffer from this problem [1]: 
My current solution is to generate enough keys until I have at least one key per partition, which looks very stupid to me (I copy and paste my code below).
If Flink changes its way to compute a partition from a given key for keyBy operator, I need to modify my vulnerable key generator.
Stephan once mentioned that a custom partitioner for keyBy can make things complicated in [2].

Hope Flink can provide a way to specify a custom partitioner for keyBy.
I know Flink is primarily targeting data intensive applications as mentioned in [3], 
but compute-intensive applications (especially from the MachineLearning/DeepLearning domain) can require this feature for evenly distributing a small number of keys over another small number of partitions. 

Below is my *vulnerable* key generator written in Scala:
import org.apache.flink.util.MathUtils
import scala.collection.mutable

class KeyGenerator(val partitions: Int,
                  val maxPartitions: Int) {

  def this(partitions: Int) = this(partitions, 128)

  val ids = Stream.from(1).iterator
  val cache = mutable.HashMap[Int, mutable.Queue[Int]]()

  def next(targetPartition: Int): Int = {
    val queue = cache.getOrElseUpdate(targetPartition, mutable.Queue[Int]())
    if (queue.size == 0) {
      var found = false
      while (!found) {
        val id =
        val partition =
          (MathUtils.murmurHash(id) % maxPartitions) * partitions / maxPartitions

          .getOrElseUpdate(partition, mutable.Queue[Int]())

        if (partition == targetPartition) {
          found = true

I use it like this:
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KeyGroupRangeAssignment
    val numPartitions = 10
    val numKeys = 10
    val parallelism = 10

    val keyGenerator = new KeyGenerator(numPartitions, KeyGroupRangeAssignment.computeDefaultMaxParallelism(parallelism))
    val desiredKeys = (0 until numKeys) map


- Dongwon  

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 8:00 PM, m@xi <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello Tony,

Thanks a lot for your answer. Now I know exactly what happens with keyBy
function, yet still I haven't figured out a proper (non hard coded way) to
deterministically send a tuple to each key.

If somenone from the Flink team could help it would be great!

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Re: Use keyBy to deterministically hash each record to a processor/task/slot

Hello Dongwon,

Thanks a lot for your excellent reply! Seems we have the same problem. Still
your solution is less hard coded than mine.

Thanks a lot!

I am also looking forward to see a capability of creating a custom
partitioner for keyBy() in Flink.


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Re: Use keyBy to deterministically hash each record to a processor/task/slot

In reply to this post by Dongwon Kim-2

I have used up till now your method to generate keys for the .keyBy()
function, in order to specifically know at which processor id each tuple
will end up in the end (w.r.t the key % #procs operation).

Though I had to shift to Java cause the documentation is better. And I
implemented your function in Java but it is way much slower. E.g. if I wanna
generate 30 keys it stalls for way tooo long.

Below I attach my Java version. If you or someone else may propose something
or find any bugs please inform me.

Thanks in advance.


// --- --- ---

package org.apache.flink.srhcjoin.srhc;

import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KeyGroupRangeAssignment;
import org.apache.flink.util.MathUtils;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

public class KeyGen
    private int partitions;
    private int maxPartitions;
    private HashMap<Integer, Queue&lt;Integer>> cache = new HashMap<Integer,
    private int lastPosition = 1;

    public KeyGen(final int partitions, final int maxPartitions)
        this.partitions    = partitions;
        this.maxPartitions = maxPartitions;

    public KeyGen(final int partitions)
        this.partitions    = partitions;
        this.maxPartitions = 128;

    Integer next(int targetPartition)
        Queue<Integer> queue;
        if (cache.containsKey(targetPartition))
            queue = cache.get(targetPartition);
            queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();

        // Check if queue is empty
        if (queue.size() == 0)
            boolean found = false;
            while (!found)
                for (int id = lastPosition ; id < 100 ; id++)
                    //System.out.println("Hey " + id);

                    int partition = (MathUtils.murmurHash(id) %
maxPartitions) * partitions / maxPartitions;

                    if (cache.containsKey(partition))
                        queue = cache.get(partition);
                        queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
                    // Add element to the queue

                    if (partition == targetPartition) {
                        found = true;
                        break; // break the for loop

        return queue.poll(); // Return the first elements and deletes it -->
similar to dequeue of scala's mutable.Queue

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        //Generate intermediate keys
        final int p = 4;
        int numPartitions = p;
        int numKeys       = p;
        int parallelism   = p;

        KeyGen keyGenerator = new KeyGen(numPartitions,
        int[] procID = new int[numKeys];

        for (int i = 0; i < numKeys ; i++)
            procID[i] =;

        for (int elem : procID)

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