Hi, My stream data is in a type of Tuple2<Long, String> that contains the timestamp (in second) and data, respectively. The source will generate 120 sample every second. Using the following code I want to get data in every second and then apply the reduce function on them.
temp.keyBy( 0).timeWindow(Time.seconds(1))
.reduce(new ReduceFunction<Tuple2<Long, String>>() {
public Tuple2<Long, String> reduce(Tuple2<Long, String> longStringTuple2, Tuple2<Long, String> t1) throws Exception {
return new Tuple2<>(longStringTuple2.f0, longStringTuple2.f1 + "," + t1.f1) ;
}).print() ;
I expected it print reduced data for every second, according to the reduce function, but it just print the test line
that I put in reduce function to see if it enter the reduce function or not. I can confirm the data are entering in temp variable.
What is the problem ? Should I implement a trigger function