I am looking to get readers from kafka / keyBy and Sink working with all 60 threads.
For the most part it is working correctly
DataStream<SchemaRecord> stream =
env.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>("kafkatopic", schema, properties)
).setParallelism(60).flatMap(new SchemaRecordSplit()).setParallelism(60).
name("RawAdActivity splitter").keyBy("partition","threadNumber","schemaId");
stream.addSink(new CustomMaprFsSink()).setParallelism(60).name("RawAdActivity Sink");
However I only get about 24-30 sinks writing data
Now the kafka payload I am reading is based on time / schema so to help out I put in a random number generator and group by it as well so that it will "try" to force 60 sinks receiving data and writing to HDFS.
Any thoughts with the above code that I can somehow "help" it make sure that during the hour for the most part I should have all 60 reading / sorting / Sinking (writing to file system)