The frequency flink push metrics to pushgateway?

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The frequency flink push metrics to pushgateway?

Using prometheus and pushgateway to monitor my flink cluster.

For self defined  metrics, will be called for every invoke method

I want to know when the actual  counter number is pushed to pushgateway?
Is is a fixed frequency?  If i can set the frequency?


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Re: The frequency flink push metrics to pushgateway?

Chesnay Schepler
You can configure the reporter interval; please see this example.

On 28/08/2020 08:49, [hidden email] wrote:

Using prometheus and pushgateway to monitor my flink cluster.

For self defined  metrics, will be called for every invoke method

I want to know when the actual  counter number is pushed to pushgateway?
Is is a fixed frequency?  If i can set the frequency?
