Submit Flink job programatically

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Submit Flink job programatically

Jins George
Hello Community,

I have a need to submit  flink job to a remote Yarn cluster programatically . I tried to use YarnClusterDescriptor.deploy() , but I get message] - Connecting to ResourceManager at /
It is trying to connect the resouce manager on the client machine.  I have set the YARN_CONF_DIR on the client machine  and placed yarn-site.xml , core-site.xml etc.  However it does not seems to be picking these files.

Is this the right way to sumit to a Remote Yarn cluster ?

Jins George
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Re: Submit Flink job programatically

Kamil Dziublinski

I had a similar problem when I tried to list the jobs and kill one by name in yarn cluster. Initially I also tried to set YARN_CONF_DIR but it didn't work. 
What helped tho was passing hadoop conf dir to my application when starting it. Like that:
java -cp application.jar:/etc/hadoop/conf

Reason was that my application was finding default configuration coming from hadoop dependency in fat jar and was not even trying to look for anything in environment variable.
When I passed hadoop conf dir to it, it started working properly.

Hope it helps,


On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 8:04 AM, Jins George <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello Community,

I have a need to submit  flink job to a remote Yarn cluster programatically . I tried to use YarnClusterDescriptor.deploy() , but I get message] - Connecting to ResourceManager at /
It is trying to connect the resouce manager on the client machine.  I have set the YARN_CONF_DIR on the client machine  and placed yarn-site.xml , core-site.xml etc.  However it does not seems to be picking these files.

Is this the right way to sumit to a Remote Yarn cluster ?

Jins George