StreamingFileSink not committing file to S3

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StreamingFileSink not committing file to S3

Ravi Bhushan Ratnakar
Hi All,

I am designing a streaming pipeline using Flink 1.8.1, which consumes messages from Kinesis and apply some business logic on per key basis using KeyedProcessFunction and Checkpointing(HeapStateBackend). It is consuming messages around 7GB per minutes from multiple Kinesis streams. I am using only one Kinesis Source which is configured with multiple streams.

The pipeline processes data and writes output to s3 as expected but I am experiencing a very weird issue when one of the stream is completely empty then it doesn't flush any file to s3 however it is consuming data from rest of the streams. When i remove only this empty stream and again submit the job then everything works fine and it writes output to s3.

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Re: StreamingFileSink not committing file to S3

Hi Ravi,

Please checkout [1] and [2]. That is related to Kafka but probably applies to Kinesis as well. If one stream is empty, there is no way for Flink to know about the watermark of that stream and Flink can't advance the watermark. Following downstream operators can thus not know if there will be any more data coming from the empty stream. (Think about a source which is just offline or has network issues for some time and once back online, will deliver all old data). This leads to Flink being unable to commit the final result up until there is some data coming in from the empty stream.

Best regards


Von: "Ravi Bhushan Ratnakar" <[hidden email]>
An: "user" <[hidden email]>
Gesendet: Samstag, 3. August 2019 19:23:25
Betreff: StreamingFileSink not committing file to S3

Hi All,
I am designing a streaming pipeline using Flink 1.8.1, which consumes messages from Kinesis and apply some business logic on per key basis using KeyedProcessFunction and Checkpointing(HeapStateBackend). It is consuming messages around 7GB per minutes from multiple Kinesis streams. I am using only one Kinesis Source which is configured with multiple streams.

The pipeline processes data and writes output to s3 as expected but I am experiencing a very weird issue when one of the stream is completely empty then it doesn't flush any file to s3 however it is consuming data from rest of the streams. When i remove only this empty stream and again submit the job then everything works fine and it writes output to s3.

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StreamingFileSink not committing file to S3

Ravi Bhushan Ratnakar
In reply to this post by Ravi Bhushan Ratnakar

Thanks for your quick response. I am using custom implementation of BoundedOutOfOrderenessTimestampExtractor and also tweaked to return initial watermark not a negative value. 

One more observation that,  when the job's parallelism is around 120, then it works well even with idle stream and Flink UI shows watermark. But when I increase the parallelism above 180 then with idle stream it doesn't write any file to S3. But the moment I remove idle stream then it works fine with any number of parallelism.

I have also observed that when the parallelism is above 180, Flink UI never shows watermark although everything is working fine without idle stream. 


On Sun 4 Aug, 2019, 09:53 Rafi Aroch, <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Ravi,

This sounds related an issue where the watermark is not advancing. This may happen when you have an idle source. An idle source would report a Long.MIN_VALUE, therefore the overall min watermark across all consumer subtask will never proceed.

First, verify this is indeed the case by looking at the watermarks reported. You can try to assign a custom watermark emitter logic as seen here [1].


On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 8:23 PM Ravi Bhushan Ratnakar <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi All,

I am designing a streaming pipeline using Flink 1.8.1, which consumes messages from Kinesis and apply some business logic on per key basis using KeyedProcessFunction and Checkpointing(HeapStateBackend). It is consuming messages around 7GB per minutes from multiple Kinesis streams. I am using only one Kinesis Source which is configured with multiple streams.

The pipeline processes data and writes output to s3 as expected but I am experiencing a very weird issue when one of the stream is completely empty then it doesn't flush any file to s3 however it is consuming data from rest of the streams. When i remove only this empty stream and again submit the job then everything works fine and it writes output to s3.
