I’m afraid the Storm compatibility layer has not been touched in a while and was never more than a pet project. Do you have an actual use case for running Storm topologies on top of Flink? Do be honest, I think it might be easier to simply port spouts to Flink SourceFunctions and bolts to a FlatMapFunction or a ProcessFunction.
It seems ok, but flink-storm not support storm codeDir.
I'm working on to make the flink-storm support the codeDir.
To support the code dir, I have to add a new funtion such as getUserResourceDir(may be return null) in flink RuntimeContext.
I know this may be a big change. What do you think of this?
What would getUserResourceDir() return? In general, Flink devs are very reluctant when adding new methods to such central interfaces because it’s not easy to fix them if they’re broken, unneeded.
> On 15. Jun 2017, at 12:40, yunfan123 <[hidden email]> wrote:
> It seems ok, but flink-storm not support storm codeDir.
> I'm working on to make the flink-storm support the codeDir.
> To support the code dir, I have to add a new funtion such as
> getUserResourceDir(may be return null) in flink RuntimeContext.
> I know this may be a big change. What do you think of this?
> --
> View this message in context: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/Storm-topology-running-in-flink-tp13495p13756.html > Sent from the Apache Flink User Mailing List archive. mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
That returns a String specific the resource path.
Any suggestion about this?
What I want is copy the resource to specific path in task manger, and pass the specific path to my operator.