[Stateful Functions] Checkpoints and AtLeastOnce Guarantee

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[Stateful Functions] Checkpoints and AtLeastOnce Guarantee

Jan Brusch

Hi Igal,

thanks for these pointers!

I currently deploy a flink jar per docker copy. But this is a spike setup anyway. I will now discard it and switch directly to working in kubernetes.

So, just so I understand this right, the recommended production setup would be:

* Build a docker image containing the job and custom flink-conf.yaml based on this: https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun/tree/master/tools/docker

* Deploy the job image to kubernetes per helm into a standalone StateFun Jobcluster: https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun/tree/master/tools/k8s

* Repeat the above steps for each StateFun Job separately

Two questions left:

1) Does the recommendation of one Cluster per Job in kubernetes setups also hold for "regular" Flink Jobs?

2) Do you (ververica) offer developer training with special focus on Stateful Functions? I would probably feel a bit safer moving into production with that as a background... :-)

Thanks again for your quick and comprehensive replies!

Best regards and a nice evening!


On 05.11.20 17:55, Igal Shilman wrote:
How do you deploy the job currently?
Are you using the data stream integration / or as a Flink Jar [1]

(also please note, that the directories might be created but without checkpoint interval set, they will be empty)

Regarding your two questions:

That is true that you can theoretically share the same cluster to submit additional jobs besides StateFun.
statefun requires a specific set of configurations, that might not apply for your other jobs.
Considering your end-goal of eventually using kubernetes, the recommended way is actually using a cluster per job, and StateFun docker images
are a convenient way to package your modules.

On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 5:29 PM Jan Brusch <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Igal,

thanks for your quick and detailed reply! For me, this is the really great defining feature of Stateful Functions: Separating StreamProcessing "Infrastructure" from Business Logic Code, possibly maintained by a different team.

Regarding your points: I did add the checkpoint interval to the flink-conf to to avail. state.checkpoint.dir was already set and all the necessary subfolders get created on job startup. They just stay empty...

Thanks for the pointer to the helm charts! Just what I was looking for!

A question regarding StateFun docker images: I would actually prefer using them but my fear is that they would take away the my options to:

1) deploy a new release of my StateFun job without killing the cluster, because...

2) ... I would like to schedule regular flink jobs or additional StateFun jobs on the same cluster alongside my original job.

Could you give a quick opinion if these fears are even true and if so, what would be a recommended setup to satisfy these use cases?

Best regards


On 05.11.20 17:02, Igal Shilman wrote:
Hi Jan,

The architecture outlined by you, sounds good and we've run successfully mixed architectures like this.
Let me try to address your questions:

To enable checkpointing you need to set the relevant values in your flink-conf.yaml file. 
execution.checkpointing.interval: <duration> (see [1])
state.checkpoint.dir: <path> (see [2])

You can take a look here for an example [3]. The easiest way to incorporate the changes would be to add your custom flink-conf.yaml into your docker image (here is an example [4]).
When you will be using kubernetes, you can mount a config map as a flink-conf.yaml, check out the helm charts here: [5]

When the remote function is unavailable, StateFun would buffer the messages addressed to it, upto the specified 
timeout (default would be 1 minute, you can set it here [6]) before the job is considered to be failed and it would be restarted.
It seems like in your example you are waiting for 10 seconds, so the messages should be delivered.
Do you set function.spec.timeout or .withMaxRequestDuration() to something else?

Good luck!

Consider using StateFun docker images[7], see any of the examples in the statefun repository.

[2] https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/config.html#state-checkpoints-dir

On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 3:35 PM Jan Brusch <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm currently trying to set up a Flink Stateful Functions Job with the
following architecture:

* Kinesis Ingress (embedded)

* Stateful Function (embedded) that calls to and takes responses from an
external business logic function (python worker similar to the one in
the python greeter example)

* Kinesis Egress (embedded)

For the time being I am working with a local docker-compose cluster, but
the goal would be to move this to kubernetes for production. The stream
processing itself is working fine, but I can't solve two problems with
respect to Fault Tolerance:

1) The app is not writing checkpoints or savepoints at all (rocksDB,
local filesystem). A checkpoint dir is created on startup but stays
empty the whole time. When stopping the job, a savepoint dir is created
but the stop ultimately fails with a
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException and the job continues to run.

2) When I try and simulate failure in the external Function
("docker-compose stop python-worker && sleep 10 && docker-compose start
python-worker"), I lose all messages in between restarts. Although, the
documentation states that "For both state and messaging, Stateful
Functions is able to provide the exactly-once guarantees users expect
from a modern data processing framework".

See the relevant parts of my configs below.

Any input or help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards





jobmanager.rpc.address: jobmanager
jobmanager.rpc.port: 6123
jobmanager.memory.process.size: 1600m
taskmanager.memory.process.size: 1728m
taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 1
parallelism.default: 1
state.backend: rocksdb
state.backend.rocksdb.timer-service.factory: ROCKSDB
state.checkpoints.dir: file:///checkpoint-dir
state.savepoints.dir: file:///checkpoint-dir
jobmanager.execution.failover-strategy: region
blob.server.port: 6124
query.server.port: 6125




     image: flink:1.11.2-scala_2.12-java8
       - "6123"
       - "8082:8081"
       - ./streamProcessor/checkpoint-dir:/checkpoint-dir
     command: jobmanager
       - JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS=jobmanager
       - "FLINK_PROPERTIES=classloader.parent-first-patterns.additional:
     image: flink:1.11.2-scala_2.12-java8
       - "6121"
       - "6122"
       - jobmanager
     command: taskmanager
       - "jobmanager:jobmanager"
       - JOB_MANAGER_RPC_ADDRESS=jobmanager
       - "FLINK_PROPERTIES=classloader.parent-first-patterns.additional:

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neuland  – Büro für Informatik GmbH
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Telefon (0421) 380107 57
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Geschäftsführer: Thomas Gebauer, Jan Zander
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bremen, HRB 23395 HB
USt-ID. DE 246585501