I have tried to learn CEP, but from some reasons it seems to be little difficult. It looks very complex.
Are there exist some simple (Scala) examples about CEP with full Maven projects ? I have only found TaxiRide of Dataartisan example [1].
For example what variables, classes and functions are mandatories in body of correct CEP application and which order ?
Should select()-function be always at the end of the CEP application ?
Are there differences between types of input streams for CEP or not for CEP?
I found “simple CEP” https://github.com/haoch/flink-siddhi Is it recommend to use ?
[1] https://github.com/dataArtisans/flink-training-exercises/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/dataartisans/flinktraining/exercises/datastream_scala/cep/LongRides.scala
Best, Esa