The documentation seems to indicate that there is a flatten method available in the sql language interface (in the table of available methods), or, alternatively using the '*' character somehow (in the text above the table).
Yet I cannot flatten a POJO type, nor can I find any sufficient documentation in the official docs, searching the mailing list via markmail, looking through the examples in the source, or looking for through the SQL tests in the source. Can someone point me to the correct location for some solid flink SQL examples and docs? Take care, -stu |
Hi Stu, there is only one page of documentation for the Table API and SQL [1].Regarding the flatting of a Pojo have a look at the "Built-In Functions" section [2]. If you select "SQL" and head to the "Value access functions", you'll find > tableName.compositeType.* : Converts a Flink composite type (such as Tuple, POJO, etc.)
and all of its direct subtypes into a flat representation where every
subtype is a separate field.The following program works returns the correct result: // POJO definition class MyPojo(var x: Int, var y: Int) { def this() = this(0, 0) } // SQL query val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment val tEnv = TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(env, config) val ds = env.fromElements((0, new MyPojo(1, 2)), (1, new MyPojo(2, 3)), (2, new MyPojo(3, 4)) ) tEnv.registerDataSet("Pojos", ds, 'id, 'pojo) val result = tEnv.sql("SELECT id, Pojos.pojo.* FROM Pojos") // you need to include the table name to flatten a Pojo val results = result.toDataSet[Row].collect() println(results.mkString("\n")) // Result 0,1,2 1,2,3 2,3,4 Best, Fabian [2] 2017-03-15 21:31 GMT+01:00 Stu Smith <[hidden email]>:
Thank you! Just in case someone else stumbles onto this, I figured what was giving me trouble. The object I wanted to flattened happened to be null at times, at which point it would error out and give some exception along the lines of:(Sorry, I'll try to follow up with the actual trace to help people with their searches later) On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:27 AM, Fabian Hueske <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Stu, thanks for reporting back.2017-03-17 16:42 GMT+01:00 Stu Smith <[hidden email]>:
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