Running flink in a Local Execution Environment for Production Workloads

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Running flink in a Local Execution Environment for Production Workloads

Joseph Lorenzini

Hi all,


I plan to run flink jobs as docker containers in a AWS Elastic Container Service. I will have checkpointing enabled where state is stored in a s3 bucket. Each deployment will run in a per-job mode.  Are there any non-obvious downsides to running these jobs with a local execution environment so that the deployment turns into deploying a single java application?


The obvious downside is that you don’t get any horizontal scalability. That’s a given and I’d have to scale up not out in this mode. I’d like to discover if there are any other negatives with this approach.



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Re: Running flink in a Local Execution Environment for Production Workloads

Hi Joseph,
thanks for reaching out to us. There shouldn't be any downsides other than the one you already mentioned as far as I know.


On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 1:27 PM Joseph Lorenzini <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi all,


I plan to run flink jobs as docker containers in a AWS Elastic Container Service. I will have checkpointing enabled where state is stored in a s3 bucket. Each deployment will run in a per-job mode.  Are there any non-obvious downsides to running these jobs with a local execution environment so that the deployment turns into deploying a single java application?


The obvious downside is that you don’t get any horizontal scalability. That’s a given and I’d have to scale up not out in this mode. I’d like to discover if there are any other negatives with this approach.



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Re: Running flink in a Local Execution Environment for Production Workloads

David Anderson-3
Another factor to be aware of is that there's no cluster configuration file to load (the mini-cluster doesn't know where to find flink-conf.yaml), and by default you won't have a REST API endpoint or web UI available. But you can do the configuration in the code, and/or provide configuration on the command line. And both of these points can be easily overcome with something like this:
String cwd = Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString();
Configuration conf = GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration(cwd);
env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironmentWithWebUI(conf);

On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 11:30 AM Matthias Pohl <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Joseph,
thanks for reaching out to us. There shouldn't be any downsides other than the one you already mentioned as far as I know.


On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 1:27 PM Joseph Lorenzini <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi all,


I plan to run flink jobs as docker containers in a AWS Elastic Container Service. I will have checkpointing enabled where state is stored in a s3 bucket. Each deployment will run in a per-job mode.  Are there any non-obvious downsides to running these jobs with a local execution environment so that the deployment turns into deploying a single java application?


The obvious downside is that you don’t get any horizontal scalability. That’s a given and I’d have to scale up not out in this mode. I’d like to discover if there are any other negatives with this approach.



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