Replacing AWS credentials provider for S3 filesystem

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Replacing AWS credentials provider for S3 filesystem

Rafi Aroch

I'm seeing an issue when trying to set a different credentials provider for AWS S3.

I'm setting in flink-conf.json the to a different value.
I'm using the flink-s3-fs-hadoop dependency and I get an exception when job starts:

RuntimeException: Failed to start checkpoint ID counter: From option java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class not found

I took a look at the code at org.apache.flink.fs.s3hadoop.S3FileSystemFactory [1] and saw that the shaded prefix is set to: org.apache.flink.fs.s3hadoop.shaded

But in the pom.xml file I see that the AWS packages are migrated to: [2]

I saw there was work done in this area here: FLINK-8439 commit

Is this a bug in the shaded prefix? Or am I missing something?