Regarding FLIP-91's status

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Regarding FLIP-91's status

Sonam Mandal

I was curious about the progress on FLIP-91. Is this actively being developed?
I believe the code is in development at, is this the right REPO?

I haven't seen much activity on this since sometime last year. I wanted to understand if there is still a plan to continue developing this, and if not, I wanted to understand why.

Appreciate your help!


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Re: Regarding FLIP-91's status

Hi Sonam,
It looks like it has been stale for some time. You might be able to restart the discussion replying to the respective thread in the dev mailing list [1]. You seem to be right about the repository based on Jark's reply in the related ticket FLINK-15472 [2]. I'm adding Jark to the thread. Maybe, he can shed some light on the state of FLIP-91.


On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 9:51 PM Sonam Mandal <[hidden email]> wrote:

I was curious about the progress on FLIP-91. Is this actively being developed?
I believe the code is in development at, is this the right REPO?

I haven't seen much activity on this since sometime last year. I wanted to understand if there is still a plan to continue developing this, and if not, I wanted to understand why.

Appreciate your help!


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Re: Regarding FLIP-91's status

Sonam Mandal
Hi Matthias,

Thanks for your quick response! I have sent a reply on the FLIP-91 thread, thanks for pointing me to it.
[hidden email] it'll be great if you have any context on this as well.


From: Matthias Pohl <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2021 5:18 AM
To: Sonam Mandal <[hidden email]>
Cc: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>; Jark Wu <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Regarding FLIP-91's status
Hi Sonam,
It looks like it has been stale for some time. You might be able to restart the discussion replying to the respective thread in the dev mailing list [1]. You seem to be right about the repository based on Jark's reply in the related ticket FLINK-15472 [2]. I'm adding Jark to the thread. Maybe, he can shed some light on the state of FLIP-91.


On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 9:51 PM Sonam Mandal <[hidden email]> wrote:

I was curious about the progress on FLIP-91. Is this actively being developed?
I believe the code is in development at, is this the right REPO?

I haven't seen much activity on this since sometime last year. I wanted to understand if there is still a plan to continue developing this, and if not, I wanted to understand why.

Appreciate your help!
