Hi, I'm having the exact same issue with flink 1.4.0 using scala 2.11 .
Do you have any suggestion on how to fix this ?
I don't see how to register a custom serializer for a class I did not write.
Thanks !
> I disabled generic type serialization via
> env.getConfig.disableGenericTypes()
> and got the following exception when running my job on a standalone cluster.
> Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Generic types have been
> disabled in the ExecutionConfig and type
> org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.internals.KafkaTopicPartition is
> treated as a generic type.
> Is this expected? I figure I may just have to register a custom serializer
> for this, but (wrongly?) expected the class to have its own serializer,
> although there's not much overhead for this class.
> I do understand the documentation behind using disableGenericTypes() only in
> application development, but would this possibly hide other classes since it
> could possibly eagerly fail on this class?