Re: Issue

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Re: Issue

Till Rohrmann
Hi Pavan,

please post these kind of questions to the user ML. I've cross linked it now.

Image attachments will be filtered out. Consequently, we cannot see what you have posted. Moreover, it would be good if you could provide the community with a bit more details what the custom way is and what you would like to achieve in detail.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 7:46 AM pavan adihtya <[hidden email]> wrote:
HI Team

    Iam working on flink with IBM cloud object storage.We have setted up a dockerImage for flink and pushed it to IBM cloud. So we cannot configure our access_key & secret_key in flink-conf.yaml. So I was trying to use customway to do that functionality & Iam unable to do it. 
Please find the attached screenshots and respond ASAP.

I have added all the appropriate jars as required in pom.xml file. Please revert back ASAP
