Re: Does Flink support such a feature currently?

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Re: Does Flink support such a feature currently?

Marta Paes Moreira
Hi, Roc.

Note: in the future, please send this type of questions to the user mailing list instead ([hidden email])!

If I understand your question correctly, this is possible using the LIKE clause and a registered catalog. There is currently no implementation for the MySQL JDBC catalog, but this is in the roadmap [1,2].

Once you register a catalog, you could do:

CREATE TABLE mapping_table




LIKE full_path_to_source_table;

Again, as of Flink 1.11 this only works for Postgres, not yet MySQL. I'm copying in Bowen as he might be able to give more information on the roadmap.



On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 9:44 AM Roc Marshal <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi, everyone!

       When using flink sql DDL to create a mysql mapping table, does flink support the automatic rendering of the target table schema if we put no column-names in `create table table_name_mapping2mysql () with (...)`? If this feature is not supported, is it necessary to consider improving it?

Thank you.
Best, Roc.