RV: Are there plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on near future?

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RV: Are there plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on near future?


Hi, I'm currently working on designing a data-processing cluster, and one of the distributed processing tools we want to use is Flink.

As we're creating our cluster from barebones, without relying on any Hadoop distributions such as Hortonworks or Cloudera, we want to use Flink with Hadoop 2.9.0, but it's not officially supported.

May I know if there are plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on a near future?

Thank you very much,

Oriol López Sánchez.

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Re: Are there plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on near future?

Kostas Kloudas
Hi Oriol,

As you may have seen form the mailing list we are currently in the process of releasing Flink 1.4. This is going 
to be a hadoop-free distribution which means that it should work with any hadoop version, including Hadoop 2.9.0.

Given this, I would recommend to try out the release candidate (which will hopefully be the next official Flink release) 
and it should work just fine!

Hope this helps,

On Nov 29, 2017, at 10:37 AM, ORIOL LOPEZ SANCHEZ <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi, I'm currently working on designing a data-processing cluster, and one of the distributed processing tools we want to use is Flink.

As we're creating our cluster from barebones, without relying on any Hadoop distributions such as Hortonworks or Cloudera, we want to use Flink with Hadoop 2.9.0, but it's not officially supported.

May I know if there are plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on a near future?

Thank you very much,

Oriol López Sánchez.

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Re: Are there plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on near future?


Thanks, it helped a lot!

But I've seen on <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Flink&#43;Release&#43;and&#43;Feature&#43;Plan#FlinkReleaseandFeaturePlan-Flink1.4" class="OWAAutoLink" id="LPlnk945131" previewremoved="true">https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Flink+Release+and+Feature+Plan#FlinkReleaseandFeaturePlan-Flink1.4 that they estimated releasing 1.4 at September. Do you know if it will be released this year or we may have to wait longer?

Thanks a lot.

De: Kostas Kloudas <[hidden email]>
Enviat el: dimecres, 29 de novembre de 2017 11:15:16
A/c: [hidden email]
Tema: Re: Are there plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on near future?
Hi Oriol,

As you may have seen form the mailing list we are currently in the process of releasing Flink 1.4. This is going 
to be a hadoop-free distribution which means that it should work with any hadoop version, including Hadoop 2.9.0.

Given this, I would recommend to try out the release candidate (which will hopefully be the next official Flink release) 
and it should work just fine!

Hope this helps,

On Nov 29, 2017, at 10:37 AM, ORIOL LOPEZ SANCHEZ <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi, I'm currently working on designing a data-processing cluster, and one of the distributed processing tools we want to use is Flink.

As we're creating our cluster from barebones, without relying on any Hadoop distributions such as Hortonworks or Cloudera, we want to use Flink with Hadoop 2.9.0, but it's not officially supported.

May I know if there are plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on a near future?

Thank you very much,

Oriol López Sánchez.

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Re: Are there plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on near future?

Kostas Kloudas
Hi Oriol,

This estimation is not accurate and the whole plan is a bit outdated.
This was based on an outdated time-based release model that the community tried but without the expected results,
so we changed it.

You can follow the release voting for 1.4 in the dev mailing list. And the archived discussion is here:


On Nov 29, 2017, at 11:27 AM, ORIOL LOPEZ SANCHEZ <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thanks, it helped a lot!

But I've seen on https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Flink+Release+and+Feature+Plan#FlinkReleaseandFeaturePlan-Flink1.4 that they estimated releasing 1.4 at September. Do you know if it will be released this year or we may have to wait longer?

Thanks a lot.

De: Kostas Kloudas <[hidden email]>
Enviat el: dimecres, 29 de novembre de 2017 11:15:16
A/c: [hidden email]
Tema: Re: Are there plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on near future?
Hi Oriol,

As you may have seen form the mailing list we are currently in the process of releasing Flink 1.4. This is going 
to be a hadoop-free distribution which means that it should work with any hadoop version, including Hadoop 2.9.0.

Given this, I would recommend to try out the release candidate (which will hopefully be the next official Flink release) 
and it should work just fine!

Hope this helps,

On Nov 29, 2017, at 10:37 AM, ORIOL LOPEZ SANCHEZ <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi, I'm currently working on designing a data-processing cluster, and one of the distributed processing tools we want to use is Flink.

As we're creating our cluster from barebones, without relying on any Hadoop distributions such as Hortonworks or Cloudera, we want to use Flink with Hadoop 2.9.0, but it's not officially supported.

May I know if there are plans to support Hadoop 2.9.0 on a near future?

Thank you very much,

Oriol López Sánchez.

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