Query on passing memory parameters

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Query on passing memory parameters

V N, Suchithra (Nokia - IN/Bangalore)



We are using Apache flink 1.12.1 version and using standalone-job.sh to start the per-job cluster mode flink. In the logs we could see some memory configurations parameters are being added as dynamic parameters.


When checked the Java process system properties we can see the below output:


sun.java.command=org.apache.flink.container.entrypoint.StandaloneApplicationClusterEntryPoint --configDir /opt/flink/conf --job-classname com.nokia.csf.ccom.flink.poc.FlinkPoCMain --output-topic singleStream1 --profile_result /tmp/profileResult1.csv --kafka.bootstrap.servers kf-kafka-headless.flkist.svc.cluster.local\:9092 --proto udp --port 2099 --kafka.batch.size 3000 -D jobmanager.memory.off-heap.size\=134217728b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.min\=201326592b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size\=268435456b -D jobmanager.memory.heap.size\=1073741824b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max\=201326592b


As highlighted in the above captured output, we can see the extra space between -D and following word. Is this expected ? Whereas the log configuration settings are passed in below format by flink without space.



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Re: Query on passing memory parameters

Chesnay Schepler
yes, the space is expected. The logging settings do not have a space because they are set as environment variables, whereas the memory options are essentially just set as program arguments.

On 5/10/2021 2:15 PM, V N, Suchithra (Nokia - IN/Bangalore) wrote:



We are using Apache flink 1.12.1 version and using standalone-job.sh to start the per-job cluster mode flink. In the logs we could see some memory configurations parameters are being added as dynamic parameters.


When checked the Java process system properties we can see the below output:


sun.java.command=org.apache.flink.container.entrypoint.StandaloneApplicationClusterEntryPoint --configDir /opt/flink/conf --job-classname com.nokia.csf.ccom.flink.poc.FlinkPoCMain --output-topic singleStream1 --profile_result /tmp/profileResult1.csv --kafka.bootstrap.servers kf-kafka-headless.flkist.svc.cluster.local\:9092 --proto udp --port 2099 --kafka.batch.size 3000 -D jobmanager.memory.off-heap.size\=134217728b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.min\=201326592b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size\=268435456b -D jobmanager.memory.heap.size\=1073741824b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max\=201326592b


As highlighted in the above captured output, we can see the extra space between -D and following word. Is this expected ? Whereas the log configuration settings are passed in below format by flink without space.



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