Hi everyone,
We announced the program of Flink Forward San Francisco 2019.
The conference takes place at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco on April 1st and 2nd.
On the first day we offer three training sessions [1]:
* Introduction to Streaming with Apache Flink
* Analyzing Streaming Data with Flink SQL
* Apache Flink Troubleshooting & Operations
On the second day we have a great lineup of talks [2], including speakers from Airbnb, Google, Lyft, Netflix, Splunk, Streamlio, Uber, Yelp, and Alibaba.
Flink Forward is an excellent opportunity to learn about Flink use cases, recent Flink features, and best practices of running Flink applications in production.
It's also a great place to connect and mingle with the Flink community.
You can register for the event at
Hope to see you there,