Hi Philip,
you are absolutely right that Flink SQL is definitely production ready.
It has been developed for 2 years now and is used at Uber, Alibaba,
Huawei and many other companies.
We usually only merge production ready code or add an explicit warning
about it. I will finally remove this tag.
Am 12.03.18 um 14:05 schrieb Philip Limbeck:
> Hi!
> I am quite sure this was asked before. But why is Flink SQL is
> declared to be in in Beta as given by the header in
https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.4/dev/table/> ?
> Are there specific functions in SQL which are not production ready or
> is it meant for the whole Flink SQL API ?
> I am asking this because many large companies seem to be (Alibaba,
> Uber, ...) using it in production.
> Thanks
> Philip