Producing binary Avro to Kafka

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Producing binary Avro to Kafka

Elliot West

What is the recommended flink streaming approach for serialising a POJO to Avro according to a schema, and pushing the subsequent byte array into a Kafka sink? Also, is there any existing approach for prepending the schema id to the payload (following the Confluent pattern)?


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Re: Producing binary Avro to Kafka

Suneel Marthi
This was presented at Flink Forward Ber;lin 2017 - see the slide deck here

You should be able to leverage Confluent/Horton schema registries from flink pipelines. 

On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 4:14 PM Elliot West <[hidden email]> wrote:

What is the recommended flink streaming approach for serialising a POJO to Avro according to a schema, and pushing the subsequent byte array into a Kafka sink? Also, is there any existing approach for prepending the schema id to the payload (following the Confluent pattern)?

