Passing the individual table coilumn values to the local variables

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Passing the individual table coilumn values to the local variables

Mich Talebzadeh

The following works fine

   tableEnv.registerDataStream("priceTable", splitStream, 'key, 'ticker, 'timeissued, 'price)
    val result = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").filter('ticker === "VOD" && 'price > 99.0).select('key, 'ticker, 'timeissued, 'price)
    val r = result.toDataStream[Row]

Now I would like to get the individual column values from priceTable into local variables

This does not seem to work

val key = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('key).toDataStream[Row]
val ticker = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('ticker).toDataStream[Row]
 val timeissued = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('timeissued).toDataStream[Row]
 val price = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('price).toDataStream[Row]

What alternatives are there?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh



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Re: Passing the individual table coilumn values to the local variables

Mich Talebzadeh
I need this operation to stored filtered rows in an Hbase table.

I can access an existing Hbase table through flink API

My challenge is to put rows into Hbase table. Something like below and I don't seem to be able to extract individual column values from priceTable

                     val key = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('key).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val ticker = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('ticker).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val timeissued = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('timeissued).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val price = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('price).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val CURRENCY = "GBP"
           val op_type = "1"
           val op_time = System.currentTimeMillis.toString
           if (price > 99.0)
// Save prices to Hbase table
             var p = new Put(new String(key).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "TICKER".getBytes(),          new String(ticker).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "ISSUED".getBytes(),     new String(timeissued).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "PRICE".getBytes(),           new String(priceToString).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "CURRENCY".getBytes(),         new String(CURRENCY).getBytes())
             p.add("OPERATION".getBytes(), "OP_TYPE".getBytes(),         new String(1.toString).getBytes())
             p.add("OPERATION".getBytes(), "OP_TIME".getBytes(),         new String(System.currentTimeMillis.toString).getBytes())
             if(tableEnv.scan("priceTable").filter('ticker == "VOD" && 'price > 99.0))
               sqltext = Calendar.getInstance.getTime.toString + ", Price on "+ticker+" hit " +price.toString


Dr Mich Talebzadeh



Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.


On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 at 17:07, Mich Talebzadeh <[hidden email]> wrote:

The following works fine

   tableEnv.registerDataStream("priceTable", splitStream, 'key, 'ticker, 'timeissued, 'price)
    val result = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").filter('ticker === "VOD" && 'price > 99.0).select('key, 'ticker, 'timeissued, 'price)
    val r = result.toDataStream[Row]

Now I would like to get the individual column values from priceTable into local variables

This does not seem to work

val key = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('key).toDataStream[Row]
val ticker = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('ticker).toDataStream[Row]
 val timeissued = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('timeissued).toDataStream[Row]
 val price = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('price).toDataStream[Row]

What alternatives are there?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh



Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.


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Re: Passing the individual table coilumn values to the local variables

Hequn Cheng
Hi Mich,

We can't convert a DataStream to a value. There are some options:
1. Use a TableSink to write data[1] into Hbase. 
2. Use a UDF[2].

Best, Hequn

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:22 AM, Mich Talebzadeh <[hidden email]> wrote:
I need this operation to stored filtered rows in an Hbase table.

I can access an existing Hbase table through flink API

My challenge is to put rows into Hbase table. Something like below and I don't seem to be able to extract individual column values from priceTable

                     val key = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('key).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val ticker = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('ticker).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val timeissued = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('timeissued).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val price = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('price).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val CURRENCY = "GBP"
           val op_type = "1"
           val op_time = System.currentTimeMillis.toString
           if (price > 99.0)
// Save prices to Hbase table
             var p = new Put(new String(key).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "TICKER".getBytes(),          new String(ticker).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "ISSUED".getBytes(),     new String(timeissued).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "PRICE".getBytes(),           new String(priceToString).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "CURRENCY".getBytes(),         new String(CURRENCY).getBytes())
             p.add("OPERATION".getBytes(), "OP_TYPE".getBytes(),         new String(1.toString).getBytes())
             p.add("OPERATION".getBytes(), "OP_TIME".getBytes(),         new String(System.currentTimeMillis.toString).getBytes())
             if(tableEnv.scan("priceTable").filter('ticker == "VOD" && 'price > 99.0))
               sqltext = Calendar.getInstance.getTime.toString + ", Price on "+ticker+" hit " +price.toString


Dr Mich Talebzadeh



Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.


On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 at 17:07, Mich Talebzadeh <[hidden email]> wrote:

The following works fine

   tableEnv.registerDataStream("priceTable", splitStream, 'key, 'ticker, 'timeissued, 'price)
    val result = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").filter('ticker === "VOD" && 'price > 99.0).select('key, 'ticker, 'timeissued, 'price)
    val r = result.toDataStream[Row]

Now I would like to get the individual column values from priceTable into local variables

This does not seem to work

val key = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('key).toDataStream[Row]
val ticker = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('ticker).toDataStream[Row]
 val timeissued = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('timeissued).toDataStream[Row]
 val price = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('price).toDataStream[Row]

What alternatives are there?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh



Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.


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Re: Passing the individual table coilumn values to the local variables

vino yang
Hi Mich,

Here you need to understand that the print call does not print the value of a field, it is actually a call to an output to STDOUT sink. 
So, what you get here is not the value of a variable, please refer to the hequn recommendation.

Thanks, vino.

Hequn Cheng <[hidden email]> 于2018年8月8日周三 上午9:11写道:
Hi Mich,

We can't convert a DataStream to a value. There are some options:
1. Use a TableSink to write data[1] into Hbase. 
2. Use a UDF[2].

Best, Hequn

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:22 AM, Mich Talebzadeh <[hidden email]> wrote:
I need this operation to stored filtered rows in an Hbase table.

I can access an existing Hbase table through flink API

My challenge is to put rows into Hbase table. Something like below and I don't seem to be able to extract individual column values from priceTable

                     val key = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('key).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val ticker = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('ticker).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val timeissued = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('timeissued).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val price = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('price).toDataStream[Row].print()
           val CURRENCY = "GBP"
           val op_type = "1"
           val op_time = System.currentTimeMillis.toString
           if (price > 99.0)
// Save prices to Hbase table
             var p = new Put(new String(key).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "TICKER".getBytes(),          new String(ticker).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "ISSUED".getBytes(),     new String(timeissued).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "PRICE".getBytes(),           new String(priceToString).getBytes())
             p.add("PRICE_INFO".getBytes(), "CURRENCY".getBytes(),         new String(CURRENCY).getBytes())
             p.add("OPERATION".getBytes(), "OP_TYPE".getBytes(),         new String(1.toString).getBytes())
             p.add("OPERATION".getBytes(), "OP_TIME".getBytes(),         new String(System.currentTimeMillis.toString).getBytes())
             if(tableEnv.scan("priceTable").filter('ticker == "VOD" && 'price > 99.0))
               sqltext = Calendar.getInstance.getTime.toString + ", Price on "+ticker+" hit " +price.toString


Dr Mich Talebzadeh



Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.


On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 at 17:07, Mich Talebzadeh <[hidden email]> wrote:

The following works fine

   tableEnv.registerDataStream("priceTable", splitStream, 'key, 'ticker, 'timeissued, 'price)
    val result = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").filter('ticker === "VOD" && 'price > 99.0).select('key, 'ticker, 'timeissued, 'price)
    val r = result.toDataStream[Row]

Now I would like to get the individual column values from priceTable into local variables

This does not seem to work

val key = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('key).toDataStream[Row]
val ticker = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('ticker).toDataStream[Row]
 val timeissued = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('timeissued).toDataStream[Row]
 val price = tableEnv.scan("priceTable").select('price).toDataStream[Row]

What alternatives are there?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh



Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.