Partitions and the number of cores/executors

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Partitions and the number of cores/executors

I am working with Gelly graph library but I think the question is applicable in general. I just want to confirm if a single data partition in Flink is executed by only a single executor/core? i.e. multiple executors can't be utilized to process a single partition in parallel. So, if I need to have utilize higher parallelism I should simply have an equal number of partitions.

I suppose the reason for this is to avoid any kind of locking that might be required to process a data partition with multiple executors.


- Bilal

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Re: Partitions and the number of cores/executors

Stefan Richter-4

Your assumption is right. Parallel processing is based in splitting inputs and each split is only processed by one task instance at a time.


> On 13. Mar 2019, at 09:52, [hidden email] wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working with Gelly graph library but I think the question is applicable in general. I just want to confirm if a single data partition in Flink is executed by only a single executor/core? i.e. multiple executors can't be utilized to process a single partition in parallel. So, if I need to have utilize higher parallelism I should simply have an equal number of partitions.
> I suppose the reason for this is to avoid any kind of locking that might be required to process a data partition with multiple executors.
> Thanks
> - Bilal