Hi, I need to broadcast/parallelize an incoming stream(inputStream) into 5 streams with the same data. Each stream is keyed by different keys to do various grouping operations on the set. Do I just use inputStream.keyBy(5 diff keys) and then just use the DataStream to perform windowing/grouping operations ? DataStream<Long> inputStream= ... DataStream<Long> keyBy1 = inputStream.keyBy((d) -> d._1); DataStream<Long> keyBy2 = inputStream.keyBy((d) -> d._2); DataStream<Long> out1Stream = keyBy1.flatMap(new Key1Function());// do windowing/grouping operations in this function DataStream<Long> out2Stream = keyBy2.flatMap(new Key2Function());// do windowing/grouping operations in this function out1Stream.print(); out2Stream.addSink(new Out2Sink()); Will this work ? Or do I use the keyBy Stream with a broadcast function like this: BroadcastStream<Long> broadCastStream = inputStream.broadcast(..); DataSTream out1Stream = keyBy1.connect(broadCastStream) .process(new KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction...) DataSTream out2Stream = keyBy2.connect(broadCastStream) .process(new KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction...) Or do I need to use split: SplitStream<Long> source = inputStream.split(new MyOutputSelector()); source.select("").flatMap(new Key1Function()).addSink(out1Sink); source.select("").flatMap(new Key2Function()).addSink(out2Sink); static final class MyOutputSelector implements OutputSelector<Long> { List<String> outputs = new ArrayList<String>(); public Iterable<String> select(Long value) { outputs.add(""); return outputs; } } TIA, |
Hi Vijay, Option 1 is the right answer. `keyBy1` and `keyBy2` contain all data in `inputStream`. While option 2 replicate all data to each task and option 3 split data into smaller groups without duplication. Best, Hequn On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 7:01 AM Vijay Balakrishnan <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks,Hequn. If I have to do a TumblingWindow operation like: .timeWindowAll(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time.of(FIVE, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) I am not able to do that on the output of keyBy(..) which is a KeyedStream. I was hoping to groupBy(key._1,key._2) etc and then do a tumblingWindow operation on the KeyedStream and then perform group operation on the resultant set to get total count etc. I am only able to do only 1 of keyBy or timeWindowAll as follows:
.keyBy(d._1,d._2) OR .timeWindowAll(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time.of(FIVE, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
Doing this doesn't seem to be too helpful as the keyBy KeyedStream is lost in the next step: .keyBy(d._1,d._2) TIA, Vijay
On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 6:31 PM Hequn Cheng <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Vijay, > I was hoping to groupBy(key._1,key._2) etc and then do a tumblingWindow operation on the KeyedStream and then perform group operation on the resultant set to get total count etc. From your description, I think you can perform a TumblingEventTimeWindow first, something looks like: // tumbling processing-time windows then, you can perform a windowAll after the TumblingEventTimeWindow to get the final total count. Best, Hequn On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 6:20 AM Vijay Balakrishnan <[hidden email]> wrote:
Cool, thanks! Hequn. I will try that approach. Vijay On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 8:18 PM Hequn Cheng <[hidden email]> wrote:
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