I'll preface this with I am brand new to this. I've got something I've been trying to work on but I'm having a really hard time getting started. I'm looking for guidance.
I'm attempting to utilize the CEP library to do some complex processing on event messages over time.
What I want is to:
1. Be able to send messages (in this case plaintext) over the network to the program
2. Parse it out to make it usable to the program (should be easy enough w/ regex)
3. Use the CEP library to process events over time.
4. Send out another message, in my case, something like a curl -XPOST to another server.
I am more or less stuck at the first part (which I would think be the easiest). I'm currently trying to figure out how the Streaming api and Windowing api work. I believe I can accomplish #1 with a combination of the Streaming API and socketTextStream. I'm going over the example files and trying to understand what they do.
I'm not necessarily looking for exact code, but rather guidance. Am I going in the right direction with this?
Any help is much appreciated.