Moving from single-node, Maven examples to cluster execution

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Moving from single-node, Maven examples to cluster execution

Prez Cannady-2
Having a hard time trying to get my head around how to deploy my Flink programs to a pre-configured, remote Flink cluster setup.

My Mavenized setup uses Spring Boot (to simplify class path handling and generate pretty logs) to execute provision a StreamExecutionEnvironment with Kafka sources and sinks. I can also run this quite effective the standard way (`java -jar …`).  What I’m unclear on is how I might go about distributing this code to run on an existing Flink cluster setup.  Where do I drop the jars? Do I need to restart Flink to do so?

class AppRunner extends CommandLineRunner {

    val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[AppRunner])

    override def run(args: String*): Unit = {

        val env : StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    val consumer = …
    val producer = ...
        val stream = env.addSource(consumer)

        // Do some stuff



object App {

    def main( args: Array[String] ) : Unit = {[AppRunner], args: _*)

Try as I might, I couldn’t find any clear instructions on how to do this in the documentation.  The cluster documentation ends with starting it.

The Wikiedits example doesn’t involve any third party dependencies, so I’m not clear on how to manage class path for it.

Any help in getting me on the right, preferably best practices path would be appreciated.

Prez Cannady  

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Re: Moving from single-node, Maven examples to cluster execution


Hi Prez,

You need to build a jar with all your dependencies bundled inside. With maven you can use maven-assembly-plugin for this, or with SBT there's sbt-assembly.

Once you've done this, you can login to the JobManager node of your Flink cluster, copy the jar across and use the Flink command line tool to submit jobs to the running cluster, e.g. (from the Flink root directory):

./bin/flink run -c my.application.MainClass /path/to/YourApp.jar


You can also run the Flink command line tool locally and submit the jar to a remote JobManager with the -m flag. Although I don't do this at the moment because it doesn't work so easily if you're running Flink on AWS/EMR.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 10:51 PM, Prez Cannady <[hidden email]> wrote:
Having a hard time trying to get my head around how to deploy my Flink programs to a pre-configured, remote Flink cluster setup.

My Mavenized setup uses Spring Boot (to simplify class path handling and generate pretty logs) to execute provision a StreamExecutionEnvironment with Kafka sources and sinks. I can also run this quite effective the standard way (`java -jar …`).  What I’m unclear on is how I might go about distributing this code to run on an existing Flink cluster setup.  Where do I drop the jars? Do I need to restart Flink to do so?

class AppRunner extends CommandLineRunner {

    val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[AppRunner])

    override def run(args: String*): Unit = {

        val env : StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    val consumer = …
    val producer = ...
        val stream = env.addSource(consumer)

        // Do some stuff



object App {

    def main( args: Array[String] ) : Unit = {[AppRunner], args: _*)

Try as I might, I couldn’t find any clear instructions on how to do this in the documentation.  The cluster documentation ends with starting it.

The Wikiedits example doesn’t involve any third party dependencies, so I’m not clear on how to manage class path for it.

Any help in getting me on the right, preferably best practices path would be appreciated.

Prez Cannady  
p: <a href="tel:617%20500%203378" value="+16175003378" target="_blank">617 500 3378  

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Re: Moving from single-node, Maven examples to cluster execution

Prez Cannady-3
All right, I figured I’d have to do shading, but hadn’t gotten around to experimenting.

I’ll try it out.

Prez Cannady  

On Jun 16, 2016, at 6:19 PM, Josh <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Prez,

You need to build a jar with all your dependencies bundled inside. With maven you can use maven-assembly-plugin for this, or with SBT there's sbt-assembly.

Once you've done this, you can login to the JobManager node of your Flink cluster, copy the jar across and use the Flink command line tool to submit jobs to the running cluster, e.g. (from the Flink root directory):

./bin/flink run -c my.application.MainClass /path/to/YourApp.jar


You can also run the Flink command line tool locally and submit the jar to a remote JobManager with the -m flag. Although I don't do this at the moment because it doesn't work so easily if you're running Flink on AWS/EMR.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 10:51 PM, Prez Cannady <[hidden email]> wrote:
Having a hard time trying to get my head around how to deploy my Flink programs to a pre-configured, remote Flink cluster setup.

My Mavenized setup uses Spring Boot (to simplify class path handling and generate pretty logs) to execute provision a StreamExecutionEnvironment with Kafka sources and sinks. I can also run this quite effective the standard way (`java -jar …`).  What I’m unclear on is how I might go about distributing this code to run on an existing Flink cluster setup.  Where do I drop the jars? Do I need to restart Flink to do so?

class AppRunner extends CommandLineRunner {

    val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[AppRunner])

    override def run(args: String*): Unit = {

        val env : StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    val consumer = …
    val producer = ...
        val stream = env.addSource(consumer)

        // Do some stuff



object App {

    def main( args: Array[String] ) : Unit = {[AppRunner], args: _*)

Try as I might, I couldn’t find any clear instructions on how to do this in the documentation.  The cluster documentation ends with starting it.

The Wikiedits example doesn’t involve any third party dependencies, so I’m not clear on how to manage class path for it.

Any help in getting me on the right, preferably best practices path would be appreciated.

Prez Cannady  
p: <a href="tel:617%20500%203378" value="+16175003378" target="_blank" class="">617 500 3378