Hi folks,
Within our team, we made some simple changes to the source code of flink-runtime module (mostly related to log levels, like INFO -> WARN).
Then we rebuilt the whole Flink project using `mvn clean install -DskipTests` command (Flink version = 1.9.3, Maven version = 3.2.5), the process finished without errors.
After that, we copied the generated `flink-dist_2.11-1.9.3.jar` to `${FLINK_HOME}/lib` directory, replacing the old one.
Finally, we submitted a simple streaming job w/ `flink run` on our YARN cluster (not in YARN session mode), but the changes we made to the code didn't seem to take effect at all. i.e. JobManager/TaskManager logs were exactly like the original version.
Dependency scope of the streaming job was already configured as `provided`. When we found the flink-dist JAR from HDFS, it truly was the newly-built one.
This is quite confusing to us, so any help is appreciated.
Many thanks