Modified & rebuilt Flink source code but changes do not work

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Modified & rebuilt Flink source code but changes do not work

Qi Kang
Hi folks,

Within our team, we made some simple changes to the source code of flink-runtime module (mostly related to log levels, like INFO -> WARN). 

Then we rebuilt the whole Flink project using `mvn clean install -DskipTests` command (Flink version = 1.9.3, Maven version = 3.2.5), the process finished without errors.

After that, we copied the generated `flink-dist_2.11-1.9.3.jar` to `${FLINK_HOME}/lib` directory, replacing the old one.

Finally, we submitted a simple streaming job w/ `flink run` on our YARN cluster (not in YARN session mode), but the changes we made to the code didn't seem to take effect at all. i.e. JobManager/TaskManager logs were exactly like the original version.

Dependency scope of the streaming job was already configured as `provided`. When we found the flink-dist JAR from HDFS, it truly was the newly-built one.

This is quite confusing to us, so any help is appreciated.

Many thanks


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Re: Modified & rebuilt Flink source code but changes do not work

Congxian Qiu

If you commit the change in you local git repo, could you please check whether the commitid in job log(such as `Rev:28bdd33`, the 28bdd33 is the commit id) is the same as the local commit id?


Qi K. <[hidden email]> 于2020年5月26日周二 下午4:47写道:
Hi folks,

Within our team, we made some simple changes to the source code of flink-runtime module (mostly related to log levels, like INFO -> WARN). 

Then we rebuilt the whole Flink project using `mvn clean install -DskipTests` command (Flink version = 1.9.3, Maven version = 3.2.5), the process finished without errors.

After that, we copied the generated `flink-dist_2.11-1.9.3.jar` to `${FLINK_HOME}/lib` directory, replacing the old one.

Finally, we submitted a simple streaming job w/ `flink run` on our YARN cluster (not in YARN session mode), but the changes we made to the code didn't seem to take effect at all. i.e. JobManager/TaskManager logs were exactly like the original version.

Dependency scope of the streaming job was already configured as `provided`. When we found the flink-dist JAR from HDFS, it truly was the newly-built one.

This is quite confusing to us, so any help is appreciated.

Many thanks