Looking up values in a metadata store for "condensed" events

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Looking up values in a metadata store for "condensed" events

milind parikh

I am new to flink. I am wondering what the best practice is for looking up additional values for entities embedded in an event.

For example, an event might have the engine model #. A metadata store has the typical rpm characteristics of an engine model #; which can be used in a subsequent processing of the event. I call the process of event inflation  "event adornment". Currently I use a Map function transformation to do the lookup in the Map function through instatiating a connection in the Map function to the Metadata store per map execution. The thing works; however having 100K connections is not very ideal (assuming 100k eps). Any alternative ideas; given the implementing class has to be Serializable?

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Re: Looking up values in a metadata store for "condensed" events

Aljoscha Krettek
what you can also do is use a RichMapFunction. Rich functions have open()/close() methods that get called before the first element and the last element, respectively.


On Tue, 10 May 2016 at 07:31 milind parikh <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am new to flink. I am wondering what the best practice is for looking up additional values for entities embedded in an event.

For example, an event might have the engine model #. A metadata store has the typical rpm characteristics of an engine model #; which can be used in a subsequent processing of the event. I call the process of event inflation  "event adornment". Currently I use a Map function transformation to do the lookup in the Map function through instatiating a connection in the Map function to the Metadata store per map execution. The thing works; however having 100K connections is not very ideal (assuming 100k eps). Any alternative ideas; given the implementing class has to be Serializable?